Page 45 of Dirty Pleasures

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Emily focused on it. “So. . .it blooms at night?”

“It does.” Delphine tenderly touched the top of the plant. “When you sip your tea, I will bring you out here to see it.”

I shook my head. “My mouse will not be here at night. Therefore, get to what you need to say, so we can leave.”

Ignoring me, Delphine pointed to another row. “These are my strawberries. Try one.”

I checked out the vibrant patch of strawberries. The fruit gleamed like rubies under the sunlight.

“Go ahead.” A smile played on her face. “Try one.”

“Alright.” Emily lowered, picked two ripe berries, rose, and gave me one.

I took the other one and bit into it. Sweet juice burst into my mouth, and I had to admit, it was delicious.

“Good, aren’t they?” Delphine said. “I grow them without any chemicals or additives. Pure and natural.”

The sweetness burst on my tongue. In fact, the taste was an explosion of flavor, unlike any strawberry I’d ever had.


The strawberry’s sweet juices trickled down my throat, and heat rose in my body, making my cock jump.

A warm flush crept up my cheeks.

I want more.

Licking my lips, I stole a glance at Emily. Her gaze reflected the same intensity.

I want to fuck her.

Delphine watched us and then winked. “There. That is much better.”

What is she talking about?

We began to meander through the garden, but now the air between Emily and I was tinged with a subtle, simmering heat.

Our gazes locked.

An electrifying jolt ran through me. Emily’s earlier composed demeanor was now replaced with a look of raw desire that damned sure matched my own.

Come, mysh. Let us go fuck near the rows of carrots.

Delphine pointed out more plants.

Ignoring the woman, I grabbed Emily’s hand.

Once connected, sparks ignited, and I swore the world around us faded away.

Mysh. . .

Delphine talked about seasonal flowers or something and I moved closer, so close that I could feel my mouse’s sensual warmth.

She gazed up at me, ignoring Delphine too.

I stopped us in the center of the path and whispered, “Let’s go over there.”


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