Page 41 of Dirty Pleasures

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Tightening my grip on Emily’s hand, I gazed at my mouse.

I need to get her out of here.

While concern etched the corners of Emily’s eyes, hope dominated her gaze too. My mouse wanted to be healed so badly that she would risk her safety to do it.

Meanwhile, I wasn’t that dedicated. I could not lose her, and I had already accepted Lunita, even with the rocky despicable things she had done. If leaving New Orleans today meant that Lunita would remain, I was fine with that.

I have to get my mouse out of here. There must be another way to heal her.

Suddenly, Delphine stopped, glanced over her shoulder, and gave me a sad smile.

Could she hear that? Or is my fear making me lose my mind?

Terror gripped my heart.

Then, she fully turned around and observed me.

Always smart, my mouse watched us, knowing something was happening.

How powerful are you, banshee?

I got closer to my mouse and took a step to position myself in front of her.

Delphine kept her view on me.

Do not underestimate me, banshee. I may not have magic, but I do have nukes.

A smirk spread across her face.

There’s power, and then there’s power. Could you survive a bomb if I dropped it on this property?

Delphine eyed me. “Hmmm.”

I couldn’t decipher what that meant. For all I knew, she couldn’t even hear my thoughts and I was just having a terrifying exchange with myself.

To my shock, Delphine pointed to our right. “This here is chamomile, good for calming the mind and body.”

Emily checked out the plant.

Frowning, I looked too. It was about knee-high, bearing dainty daisy-like flowers. I turned back to Delphine, not comfortable with her being out of my sight.

Delphine gave Emily a sweet smile. “I will make you some tea tonight.”

My mouse blinked. “Will I still be here this evening?”

Delphine bobbed her head. “We have a lot to do, Emily. No need to wait until tomorrow.”

Fear twisted in my core, gripping me in its icy grasp and squeezing tight.

I kept my gaze locked on her. “What will you be doing with Emily tonight?”

Delphine wagged her finger at me. “You have more things than that to worry about tonight.”

Emily quirked her brows. “What things?”

“And over there we have some thyme, which is great for seasoning dishes and also has antibacterial properties.” Delphine pointed in another direction. “But, it’s best for roasted bell peppers.”

I stepped forward and spoke through clenched teeth, “I do not give a damn about roasted peppers.”

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