Page 37 of Dirty Pleasures

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I sighed and looked at Kaz. “What do you think, baby?”

A neutral mask covered his face as he watched Delphine. “She also hinted at Paolo being with someone from her bloodline in the future.”

“Yeah.” I swallowed. “I was thinking maybe Max has a daughter and—”

“Adult Paolo better keep his hot ass away from my little girl.” Max glared. “I know that. I love the little dude, but he is not touching my girl.”

I frowned. “You don’t even have a daughter and you are being possessive?”

“I’m just saying, Em. My girl will be marrying brothers. Brown to fucking shades of black. They can pick out of that spectrum. That’s it. And not any gangsters either. Doctors and lawyers. Black ones.”

“Paolo is not going to be a gangster.”

“What? With you two raising him? Shit.” Max snorted. “You want to put a bet on that?”


Kaz spoke, “We cannot forget that Ava is related to her also. So. . .it could be her kid if she ever haves one.”

“Facts. Misha is surely trying to put a baby in Ava.” Max nodded. “But then there’s Rafael and Gwen, if he can ever bag that.”

I shivered. “Why is everything always pointing back to the Jones family? That’s two women that are connected to you Max.”

“What do you mean, Em?”

“I don’t know. It’s just. . .it’s a lot of Jones women around the world and we keep bumping into them.”

Kaz raised an eyebrow. “You think it’s more than just coincidence?”

“Maybe.” My nerves flared. “It just seems strange.”

“Yo.” Max leaned my way. “I brought extra guns just in case.”

I quirked my brows. “You think we will need to shoot Delphine in the garden?”

“She looks small and fragile, but I would keep my eye on her.”

“Would you stop scaring me?”

“I’m just telling you how it is, Em.”

Kaz nodded. “For once, I agree with Maxwell.”

“That we need guns?”

“No, mysh. We need to keep our eyes on her.”

“That exchange between Delphine and Baba set you on edge?”

“I was not happy about it.”

Still following Delphine, we rounded a bend, and a sprawling garden came into my view.


The sheer scale and beauty of it was staggering.

Plush rows of spinach and kale carpeted the landscape. Red roses and blue hydrangeas tumbled down banks of wildflowers, their vibrant colors spiraling outward in dizzying waves, like a psychedelic sea of flora. Hidden amidst the rainbow hues, a multitude of vegetables, fruit trees, and aromatic herbs thrived.

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