Page 282 of Dirty Pleasures

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“That is an understatement.” Pavel moved ahead of us, taking the first few steps with caution, then swiftly mounted the rest of the staircase.

M gasped. “The dead cousin disappeared.”

Pavel stood on the fourth step and looked over his shoulder. “Again, my name is Pavel.”

M squinted. “I can hear him, but not see him.”

Lunita’s bottom lip quivered. “What if I get stuck there and can’t come out?”

I shook my head. “I will make sure you get out.”

“Why would you do that?”

“Because you are mine and I love you.”

She blushed. “Nasty lion.”

“Come on.” I headed forward.

She remained with me, although visibly trembling.

M called after us, “I can’t see either of you, but please. . .be very careful.”

The world around us folded into an oppressive silence, punctuated only by the sound of our footsteps on the stairs. The air grew denser too, heavier, as if infused with the weight of forgotten memories and unspoken fears.

Lunita followed closely behind me with her gaze up on Pavel as he remained several steps ahead of us.

I whispered, “Are you okay?”


“Then, stay close to me.”

She snapped her view to me.


She shook her head.

I faced forward and continued.

The staircase twisted upwards, defying the laws of architecture and reason. It spiraled up like the double helix of a DNA strand.

With each step, the space around us became darker, swallowing the weak dimming light. And this was no ordinary darkness; it was an entity in and of itself, thick with the stench of dread and decay.

A darkness that was alive.


Whispering secrets meant to remain unheard.

A little girl cried in the darkness.

Lunita’s footsteps faltered.

Pavel and I stopped.

The little girl cried out again.

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