Page 275 of Dirty Pleasures

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Pavel chuckled from the corner.

I gave him a sad smile. “We both agree on that point, M.”

“You do?”

I nodded.

“Perfect.” M fixed his glasses again. “It is just that you are very. . .adventurous with her. The breast milk, the hidden sex room, and other things. I hoped that you did not think I too was yours.”

“Oh.” I gave him another sad smile. “You are mine, M.”

Pavel snickered.

M cleared his throat. “Perhaps, I will take that declaration in the realm of brotherhood. Instead of in some sense of sexual. . .possession.”

“As long as you know that when you take over Emily’s body, you are not to have sexual adventures like Lunita.”

“Oh no. My heart is with someone else. I stay true, my friend. Never will I love again if I cannot have the love of Felicity.” M’s face turned sad. “However, I do miss my talks with Xavier. Perhaps, if I ever take over the body, you and I can sit with cigars and a nice drink, and ponder the complexities of our reality.”

“I would love that.” I tilted my head to the side. “However, I must ask you something.”

“Yes, Kazimir?”

“Who is Felicity?”

Chapter forty-three

An Ode to Felicity


Pavel cleared his throat. “Lunita said not to ask, cousin.”

Meanwhile, M’s face transformed in an instant, his previously serious and stoic expression replaced by a wide smile that reached his eyes. The lines on his face seemed to disappear, making him look years younger. “Felicity. It all truly comes back to her. This goddess. This. . .angel of perfection. Of love.”

O-kay. . .

Pavel headed over to us.

M spread his hands out as if preparing to tell the greatest story ever created. “When I walked into Felicity’s social studies class for the first time, something strange happened. The room spun a little, not like when you spin around in circles until you fall down, but a gentle kind of spinning, like when you’re half asleep and you feel like you’re floating.”

Pavel held up one finger. “Did you say her social studies class?”

“Yes. She taught social studies.” M gazed off at the distance. “That day, I was stunned by her beauty. I blinked a couple of times, trying to make it stop, but when I opened my eyes again, there she was, smiling at me. Felicity, with her bright blue eyes and the kind of smile that makes you think everything’s going to be alright.”

Pavel frowned. “But. . .was Felicity your teacher or—”

“With Felicity, I was never afraid to raise my hand and answer questions.”

So. . .she was my mouse’s teacher.

M continued as if he no longer saw us, as if he were in that very class. “Felicity loved the stories of faraway places and times long gone. Not like how one loves chocolate or summer break, but a different kind of love, the kind that makes your heart feel like it’s going to burst out of your chest.”

I studied this man, completely captured by his adoration.

“I didn’t know what I was at the time. . .” M gazed at the building. “I thought I was a regular man. . .”

Pavel quirked his brows. “An adult man?”

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