Page 272 of Dirty Pleasures

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A tiny bit of embarrassment rose in my chest. “It was only two times.”

“I wondered if there would be an effect.” M slowly rose from the chair, not even picking up the book on the floor. “Back in Russia, the witch told Emily to have a wet nurse due to the possibility of something flowing through the milk. During those moments of your. . .feeding, I wondered if she should stop you.”

I shook my head. “My mouse could not stop me when it comes to a moment like that.”

Lunita snorted.

The little girl whispered something into the lion’s ear.

I watched M take his time heading around the desk. He looked like he wanted to analyze and dissect me, yet also race away from me, screaming too.

I kept my voice steady. “I had no idea I could come here, and when it happened I decided to meet you all before leaving.”

“Do you think this could happen again?” M stopped at the edge of his desk and peered at me. “Do you plan on making this a continuous situation?”

Pavel shook his head. “Once Emily finds out, she will never let him drink from her again.”

M moved his view to Pavel. “You are the cousin that died in Italy.”

Pavel shrugged. “I am, although I do not think that is the most important part of this moment.”

Lunita browsed some of the books on the shelf, but didn’t grab any of them. “We have to kill the witch. She is messing everything up and she got Max shot.”

I spoke, “I wanted to meet you, M.”

He remained by his desk. “Why?”

“My mouse told me how smart you are.”

M blinked and then a proud smile spread across his face.

Lunita sucked her teeth. “He is not the smart one.”

The little girl skipped over to another bookcase.

M wagged his finger at her. “Remember. No touching.”

She frowned and didn’t get any closer to it.

I placed my hands into my pockets. “I can see a city outside of this building. One packed with different cities in the real world.”

“Really?” M’s voice rose. “Where is the city?”

“It is surrounding this building. Alleys. Blocks. Places from Moscow, Paris—”

“Here?” M gestured to the window.


The little girl bobbed her head. “He said he doesn’t see the demons either.”

“Hmmm.” M rubbed his beard and stared at the bookcase near him. “The human brain operates not only as a center of thought and action but also as a shield. It protects us from emotional harm.”

I gazed at the one wall with no bookshelves. Framed degrees hung from it.

M continued, “But why would our brain not show us the cities around us?”

Pavel went to one degree and studied it. “Perhaps, your brain doesn’t want you all rummaging through those memories.”

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