Page 245 of Dirty Pleasures

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Terror—cold, unforgiving, and relentless—seized me. It wasn’t just fear; it was a primal dread that clawed at my insides, icy talons raking over raw nerves, igniting a firestorm of panic within me. My heart thundered in my chest, a rapid, chaotic beat that felt as if it could burst free at any moment, its rhythm the only sound in the suffocating silence of the void.

I don’t understand. This must be a nightmare.

I tumbled helplessly through the darkness.


“No!!!” My silent scream echoed in the void, unheard, swallowed by the abyss just as I was.

This was no ordinary nightmare.

No mere figment of the imagination.

This was something else.

Something deeper.

Then, the fall abruptly ended, not with the jarring shock of impact, but with a disorienting, gentle halt.

And. . .

Where am I?

I found myself in a dark, damp basement.

The air was heavy with this musty scent of neglect and decay.

Wait. . .

Beside me, Emily lay sleeping on the cold, hard ground. Her chest rose and fell in the shallow breaths of deep slumber.

What kind of nightmare is this?

Confusion twisted inside me, a knotted mess of questions and disbelief. This couldn’t be real; I knew it, felt the certainty of it deep in my bones.

Yet here we were, or seemed to be.

Then, I looked up and froze.

Ten feet away, Pavel stood, dressed in a gray suit that absorbed the meager light in the space, his long black hair flowed around him like a dark halo. His expression mirrored my confusion. “Kazimir, this is not good.”

“What sort of dream is this, cousin?”

“It is not a dream.”

I eyed him.

Pavel scanned the basement. “This is. . .something else.”

Chapter thirty-nine

Kaz in Wonderland


Pavel’s words hung heavy in the dark, musty air.

Something else?

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