Page 226 of Dirty Pleasures

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“Finally, you understand.” He ran his fingers through his wet hair. “Heal or not, it will always be us.”

I let out another long breath.

“My only question now, mysh, is what do you think healing is for you at this time?”

“I don’t know, Kaz. Right now. . .all I can think about is Max.” My heart broke a little bit more.

My head went dizzy.

What the fuck?

I shook it.

Suddenly, a thought came to me.

Let me get control.

And, this was not my thought.

It was hers.

I stiffened.


The room began to close in on me, even the glow of the candles started to feel oppressive.

Plus, this odd sensation crept up from the depths of my being.

At first, it was subtle—a faint tugging at the edges of my consciousness, like a whisper brushing against my mind.

Max needs me.

My breath hitched.

Wait. This is her. . .

I began to further recognize the telltale signs of Lunita’s presence attempting to claw its way to the surface.

Panic surged through me, mingling with the sorrow and grief already weighing heavily on my heart.


I swallowed.

Go back. I. . .understand, but. . .go back.

Still. . .with each passing second, the sensation grew stronger, like a relentless force pressing against the barriers of my mind, threatening to engulf me entirely.

I blinked.

Kaz studied me. “Mysh?”

I tried to nod, to assure him that all was well, but the words caught in my throat. Instead, I clenched my fists and fought against the rising sensation.


I closed my eyes, seeking solace in the darkness behind my eyelids, but there was no escape.

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