Page 21 of Dirty Pleasures

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Paolo showed Emily the cookie in his hand. “Look, mysh.”

“I see. You are so lucky.” Emily shook her head and then frowned at Baba. “A cookie for breakfast? That’s how we are going to start the trip?”

Baba held complete innocence on her face. “There’s vitamin C and D in that cookie.”

“There are no vitamins in cookies. You are spoiling Paolo as usual. We talked about this.”

“And I declared that, I will spoil them all I want.”

My mouse grabbed Emilio out of Baba’s arms. “And how is my little prince?”

Baba huffed. “You are just going to take my baby without asking?”

Emilio cooed.

Shaking her head, Emily headed back over to the bed and sat down with our son. “Did he keep his wet nurses busy?”

“Very busy.” Baba perused my outfit again and gave me a thumbs up.

I deepened my frown.

How long do they think I will be a good little lion?

Baba put her view back on my mouse. “Emilio and his wet nurses were perfect. However, every two hours the spoiled lion cub gulped and gorged on milk as if he was a starving baby. This is probably why in all of my future visions of Emilio, he is quite a big man.”

“Really?” My mood brightened. “Emilio will end up being even bigger than me?”

“A few inches taller, Kazimir, and with your hefty shoulders and bulky arms.”

“Well.” I gazed down at Emilio. “That will be interesting indeed. As soon as you are walking, son, we will be in the gym.”

My mouse rolled her eyes. “Can you let this boy be a kid?”

“What? I lifted weights when I was young.”

“We are not giving our kids the same childhoods we had. Remember?”

“My cub will need muscles—”

“Emilio will not need muscles to lift a paint brush.” She kissed Emilio’s forehead and then she winked at Paolo. “Both of my babies are going to be famous artists, learning art in some of the best schools in Europe, and knowing all different types of languages. They will have their own studios and maybe even tons of art museums throughout the world.”

Absolutely not. They will rule our empire and be threatening, murderous bastards that terrify the world.

Baba leaned against the wall, silent, but with that knowing look—the one that said she knew the boys’ outcomes and even more.

Tell her that I am right, Baba.

“Muscles.” Paolo went over to Emily.

“No.” She shook her head. “Art.”

I nodded. “He was correct the first time.”

Paolo sat down next to her and held his cookie close to her face. “Mysh? Want?”

“Aww. So sweet. Yes, baby.” Smiling, Emily leaned over, took a tiny bite of the cookie, and chewed it. “Yummy. Salted caramel with pecan and chocolate.”

Paolo beamed and returned to munching on the cookie.

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