Page 199 of Dirty Pleasures

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Please. Please. Please.

The end of the pipe connected with a sickening thud against his skull.

Kaz got to my side. “Stay close, mysh!”


Side by side, we moved in sync.

Kaz and I.

A deadly duo fighting against overwhelming odds.

So, fucking fast.

Seconds by seconds.

Each time a hand reached for us, we countered with ferocity born of desperation. I snatched a gun from a fallen enemy, firing it into the group, the recoil jarring but effective as another body dropped to the floor.

The fight was brutal and unrelenting. We used everything at our disposal, turning the bathroom fixtures into weapons, the environment itself an ally in our battle for survival.

The air was thick with the sounds of grunts, the shattering of porcelain, and the wet, gruesome noise of bodies hitting the floor.

Kaz turned another shard of the broken mirror into a makeshift knife, plunging it into the gut of an attacker lunging at us.

The man’s eyes widened as a gurgling sound slipped from his lips before he crumbled to the floor.

Kaz roared, “You all will die!”

Adrenaline pulsed through my veins like wildfire and time blurred.

I swung the pipe in a wide arc, catching another off guard. His teeth clattered onto the tile floor, bouncing like dice in a grim game of chance.

Suddenly from behind us came a loud crash.

Tisha’s voice filled the air. “Kazimir! Emily! Hit the ground!”

A loud crash echoed through the bathroom, momentarily pausing the chaos.

Everyone turned that way.

From the cracked and gaping window, Tisha and Lemon leaned in, gripping automatic weapons in their hand.

Kaz grabbed me, pulling us both to the wet, glass-shattered ground, covered with dead bodies.

Thank God! Somebody came.

Tisha and Lemon unleashed a torrent of bullets towards our assailants.

“Come on, mysh.” Kaz and I began to crawl towards the window, our movements hurried yet hindered by the treacherous terrain.

Bullets zipped overhead.

Sharp, jagged edges of broken glass cut into my hands and knees.

Kaz was the first to reach the window. He used his body to shield mine as he helped me to stand up.

More men must have kept coming in because Tisha and Lemon continued to cover us, shooting with no mercy.

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