Page 189 of Dirty Pleasures

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“Whoever it is, they are coming from both sides, and they do not want any survivors.” Kaz quickly scanned our surroundings. probably for potential escape routes.

They want us dead? Not fucking happening.

Survival mode kicked in.

I moved from behind Kaz and tapped one of his men. “Give us some guns.”

Without missing a beat, his men handed Kaz and me Glocks.

The moment the sleek, cold steel touched my palms, a familiar rush of adrenaline surged through my veins. My fingers instinctively wrapped around the grip, feeling the weight and balance of the weapon as if greeting an old friend.

Fuck whoever this is.

I quickly checked the chamber, ensuring it was loaded, all the while stealing a glance at Kaz.

With practiced ease, he pulled back the slide of his Glock. The metallic click echoed slightly. His eyes met mine for a fleeting moment and grew dark and intense.

Damn it, Kaz. Don’t you even think about it that way.

Then, he turned back to the exit.

Even though brief, that gaze spoke volumes.

I witnessed the primal, alpha possessiveness that had surged to the forefront of his being. I even heard the vow he said in his head, in that moment, his look spoke volumes. It was in the swell of rage in his eyes and the twitch along his jawline, that telltale sign of his escalating fury and protective instincts.

In that fleeting moment, I understood that his world had narrowed down to a single point—me, and the future we dreamed of with Emilio and Paolo.

Kaz was ready to burn the world down to keep me safe so that I could get back to his sons and raise them.

But with this realization came the weight of responsibility on my part. I knew that in his tunnel vision, Kaz’s own safety was secondary. It would be a distant thought overshadowed by his concern for me.

Therefore, I had to be his anchor, his shield, just as he was mine.

Kaz gazed back at me. “Do not worry. You will get out safe, mysh.”

I shifted slightly, ensuring a clear line of sight over his shoulder. My finger rested lightly on the trigger, ready to defend, to protect, to fight for the future we envisioned. “We will get out safe, Kaz. Not just me.”

He scowled.

Another man handed us more clips.

I took them and stuffed a few in my bra.

Kaz pocketed what he could.

More bombs exploded with deafening roars, both in front and behind us, shaking the ground beneath our feet.


The blasts sent shockwaves through my body, and a suffocating cloud of dust and debris filled the space.

I covered my mouth and coughed, trying to clear my lungs of the dust.

My heart drummed in my chest.

Terror gripped me with icy fingers, a cold dread that made it hard to think, but I had to figure it the fuck out.

We are not dying in here. Emilio and Paolo need us both.

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