Page 179 of Dirty Pleasures

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It took no time to get there. When I got close, the small crowd of Harlem Crew parted before me. I approached Emily, the dancer froze in mid-gyration.

I glared at her.

The dancer parted her lips and then let go of Emily, sliding away with a sheepish smile.

My mouse turned my way. Shock hit her face. “What are you doing over here?”

“What are you doing over here?”

Emily laughed and took the joint from me. “No more smoking for you tonight.”

“I can smoke if I want to, mysh.”

“Is that right?” She handed the joint to one of the Harlem Crew women. Smartly, the woman didn’t take a hit. Instead, she put it out.

Valentina shrieked and waved her hands. “I cannot help myself. I must go up there. I love the States!”

“No. No.” Emily shook her head and tapped my shoulder. “Will you tell your sister that she can’t go on the stage and hump the dancers.”

I shrugged. “But this is the Lion’s club. My sister can do whatever she wants to.”

“Perfect!” Valentina kicked off her heels.

“Oh God.” Emily tried to grab her, but it was too late. Valentina got on that stage and started dancing with the other women. I didn’t even have to look behind me, to know that Maxwell was probably frowning and shaking his head.

But that was not my concern.

I took Emily’s hand. “Come with me.”

“Where are we going?”

“You will see.” I dragged her away.

Chapter thirty-one



Kaz guided me away from the electrifying pandemonium of the strip club’s main floor, where lights danced and music thundered, and his grip on my hand was both a guide and a claim.

My jealous lion.

He led me toward a dark hallway of purple velvet walls and black carpet.

We stepped over the arch and continued.

Lined on both sides, Brotherhood guards towered like sentinels—huge, imposing, tattooed and bearing scars.

They held their guns at their sides in a casual display of force and readiness.

The subtle scent of expensive cologne mingled within the adrenaline-charged space.

The transition from the loud, bass-heavy environment to the more secluded back of the club was like entering a completely different universe.

The music’s intensity dulled to a muted throb, allowing for the sound of our footsteps on the plush carpet to come to the fore.

We moved through this cloistered space, and Kaz navigated with the ease and authority of a sovereign in his realm.

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