Page 169 of Dirty Pleasures

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A dark chuckle left him. “You would fight the Colombians due to the migrants. I would fight them for the audacity of them thinking that I would ever need to solve their heart dilemma.”

I let out another long breath. “But, the kids are here.”

“They are.” Kaz nodded and guided us further into the Quarter.

“More men are on the way?”

“Tisha’s men and mine.”

“But that’s not enough to go after the Mexicans, they have way more people than us.”

“Unless we get rid of their leader in prison.”

I glanced at him. “What?”

“That is an option.”

“Killing their leader will piss them off, but. . .could we free this El Cazador?”

“From a US prison?” Kaz shrugged like I was asking him to get eggs from the store. “Yes. But it would not be a legal release. We could have our people go in and break him out. He would be on the run for the rest of his life, yet that would be nothing new to him.”

“Freedom is freedom.”

Kaz nodded again.

“We do that, then the Mexicans are out of the situation. They don’t care about the bankster’s heart. They just want their leader.”

On my left, two young dancers tapped their feet to an upbeat rhythm that echoed off the old stone and brick buildings.

Paolo dropped dollars in their jars, and they tipped their hats to him.

He giggled some more and rushed back to Max.

We continued.

I thought about our current situation. “Alright. We get the Mexicans out of this conflict, and now we have the nasty ass organ harvesting cartel—”

“The one that Delphine probably wants us to destroy.”

“I’m not hating her on that.”

“Yes, but I do not enjoy being pulled along like a puppet.”

“Would you have handled it, if she asked?”

“She would have had to heal you first.”

“So, she probably figures that out and has you get something from the Alligator Don while this heart is there.” My nerves flared. “Do you think she could have timed it all that well?”

“I think that Delphine is a prominent chess player with many tricks under her sleeve.”

“Did she even need the Eye?”

Kaz frowned. “I will be sure to find out next time we see her.”

I stiffened. “Don’t start shit with her, baby.”

My attention was suddenly captured by a man standing on the corner of Royal and St. Ann. He was dressed in a costume straight out of a gothic novel, complete with a top hat adorned with feathers and a cloak that fluttered in the breeze.

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