Page 15 of Dirty Pleasures

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“I’m fine now. I can shower on my own, Kaz.”

“You cannot.”

Part of my reasoning dealt with concern for her mental stability. The other part was pure selfishness at wanting to be molded against her wet naked body.

Sighing, she turned around. Her wet breasts slipped against my chest.

Yes, mysh.

Steam rose from the warm water, unfurling in languid spirals and filling the space with a moist, comforting warmth.

I wrapped my arms around her and gazed down at my breathtaking fiancé. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

The heat of the water caressed our skin as our bodies swayed together in this intimate cocoon.

I captured her mouth and groaned.

A chuckle left her.

I leaned away and licked my lips. “My kisses are funny?”

“We are supposed to be showering.”

“Do you remember the first time we rode my plane and spent time in the shower? We were leaving New York and heading to Prague.”

Heat filled her eyes. “I remember.”

“When I guided you in that shower, I had plans to make you one of my main women.”

She blinked. “One of your main women?”

“Mysh, I was a single man at the time. That is how we think.”

“Basically, you were going to add me to your Side Chick roster?”

I smirked. “I planned to let you pick a city anywhere in the world. Once you did, I would get you a nice condo, butler, maid, chef, and a driver. Of course, a black AmEx card with your name on it.”

“Is that the official introductory Lion package?”

“It was.”

“Actually, that doesn’t sound like a bad deal, if I forget the fact that I would have had to share your cock with other women.” She eyed me. “Of course, I would be hooking up with other men too—”

“Is that what you think?”


“That would not have happened. The package requires you only fuck me.”

“Oh, you’re tripping. The chicks had to be committed to you while you weren’t committed to them?”

“I have always had a one-penis policy. Their security team remained in place to make sure this was followed.”

“You are too much.”

“The Lion cannot fuck dirty pussy.”

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