Page 131 of Dirty Pleasures

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Ever since we were kids, he had this nervous gesture of tapping his hand on his right hip over and over as if he was trying to summon some hidden strength.

What is wrong now?

I stepped out into the hallway to meet him.

When he got to me, he frowned. “Our people. The ones that were assigned to clean up the bodies at the Alligator Don’s compound. . .”

“What about them?”

“They were attacked by Cartel.”

“I brought the best. Please tell me they succeeded.”

“They did. All forty of the Cartel members are dead.” Tisha kept his voice low. “However, many said that the attackers were highly skilled. Snipers. A couple had grenades.”

“They were not just merely stopping by to pay a visit.”

Tisha nodded. “They knew something had occurred and came armed.”

“And fast which means the Cartel already has people and weapons in New Orleans.”

Tisha bobbed his head. “I have Misha’s people searching for their location. My men are on it too.”

“No one sleeps until it is found.” I considered the dead Cartel members. “What are they doing with the corpses?”

“Burning the bodies along with the Alligator’s dead men.”

“No.” I sneered. “Return them to the Cartel with a message, ‘Stand back, and do not fuck with the Lion.’”

“The problem is that I don’t know which Cartel backed the Alligator Don—”

“Then, you still have a busy evening.” I left him there with his mouth open and entered the suite.

Chapter twenty-four

You Can’t Bomb New Orleans


The suite door clicked shut behind me, sealing off the world with all its lurking shadows and whispered threats. I was sure Tisha still stood in the hallway, stunned and exhausted.

But he would get the job done or deal with my roar.

Everybody wants to stand by the Lion, but barely anyone is ready to do the work.

When Tisha had come to Moscow and met King David, he had mocked the title and questioned why I kept David so close to me.

In New Orleans, Tisha would understand more than most why David wore the crown.

I stood there for a moment, letting the gravity of Tisha’s news sink in. The Cartel, with its tendrils reaching far and wide, had shown a level of preparation and aggression that couldn’t be ignored.

Our delivery of the dead bodies to the Cartel’s headquarters was meant to be a message, a clear statement of power and retribution.

Yet, in the back of my mind, a nagging thought persisted.

Will it be enough to grant us the peace we so desperately need if we stay in New Orleans?

I noticed a small bar on the right.

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