Page 117 of Dirty Pleasures

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She took one step towards me, then another, each one sending waves of terror coursing through my veins.

I held my arms out, ready to grab her.

Close to the skulls, Emily faltered, wavering as though she would collapse at any moment.

Goddamn it. If she falls, I’m crossing that fucking circle and I don’t care what will happen.

My arms ached to reach out and steady her, but I willed myself to stay put.

“Keep going, Em,” Maxwell urged softly. “We’re here.”

As soon as her foot crossed the chalk and skulls, I helped her put on my shirt. The big fabric hung on her like a short dress. Then, I scooped Emily off the ground and into my arms. “Mysh.”

She was so cold.

Too cold.

Maxwell took off his jacket and laid it across her bare legs.

Emily mouthed something. No sound came. She tried again, and I didn’t understand what she was saying. But it no longer mattered, I had her now and everything would be okay.

Fast, I turned around and carried her away. Maxwell followed behind me, so close, he almost made me trip a few times.

Delphine called after us, “I’ll have to do things to this Eye of the Gator. Give me three days, and make sure you have the absinthe with you, when you come.”

We’re never coming back here again.

As if she heard my thoughts, a loud, wicked laugh escaped her.

Chapter twenty-one

The Rhythm of Love


Silent, Emily hugged me as I carried her up those stairs and out of the house in a blur.

When we made it outside, the cool night air hit my face.

Tisha and my men stood in the yard with their guns drawn and their eyes scanning the perimeter.

Meanwhile, Delphine’s people lingered on the edge of the porch. Their silhouettes were menacing in the dim light, as if they were moments away from leaping off and charging at us.

That’s all I need tonight. A damned shootout in this witch’s yard.

“Get back in the cars!” I barked, hurrying Emily down the stairs. “We’re leaving. Tisha and Maxwell, get in one of the SUVs. I’m riding alone with my mouse.”

My men began backing up, moving to the SUVs while keeping their gazes trained on Delphine’s shadowy followers.

“Alright, but we’re sticking to the plan?” Maxwell asked, keeping his pace with me.

For the first time since getting her, Emily lifted her head.

I looked at Maxwell. “We will have to get the kids first along with everybody else and then head to the airport.”

Emily shook her head vehemently, and her expression was one of adamant refusal.

“Mysh.” I frowned. “We are leaving New Orleans.”

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