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The song restarted.

I smoothed my body into his and hoped he would never release me. With his embrace, I felt safe and cared for.

Isn’t that all I really wanted in a relationship or marriage? To be protected and loved.

The guitar’s notes flowed through the room and soothed my spirits. I became intoxicated just from the moment. His scent gave me an emotional buzz and I drowned in the silk of his flesh, the luxurious wine coating my tongue, and the harmony of the lyrics. It was so weird that a song about a man being afraid to get his heart broken had given me hope for my relationship with Chase, and breathed renewed life into my doubtful mind.

“This moment is perfect,” Chase said, as if he could read my thoughts. “I could die right now and have no regrets.”

Shock filled me. I had no reply, but I understood how he felt and agreed.

“Goodnight, Jasmine.”

The plane rocked us as we lay together, connected into one. I struggled to stay awake and take pleasure in each second, but after a while exhaustion stole me away and my dreams shifted into romantic scenes of Chase making love to me in a cool lavender river as the moonlight shone on our wet skin.

Chapter 20

Highly Upset


No longer on the plane, I woke up to luxury.

This is what Cinderella must have felt like the morning after her wedding.

I sat up in the middle of the softest bed in the history of mankind. Even my behind purred with pleasure. Pillows surrounded my body. Several feet in front of me, a sort of study done in dark red and walnut stood before me.

On one side was a white loveseat. A rich walnut coffee table was in the middle next to two white chairs.

A chandelier of crystals shaped as tear-dropped candles hovered over the scene.

Holy cow! Where am I?

In my part of the room, where I lay in bed, beige walls were done in some decadent print I couldn’t name. Even the bed’s headboard boasted a silky fabric and was bordered with a gold carving that extended two feet high. Silver lamps decorated the wall. If I had mimicked this exact design it would have been a gaudy mess, but in this hotel room it spoke of great wealth and sophistication.

“Chase?” I searched the space with my eyes, but was pretty certain I was alone. No noise sounded from the bathroom.

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