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“No!” Vivian screamed.

“Troy, don’t do this. It’s over.” I closed my eyes and kept shaking my head.

“Oh my god! Troy! You’re going to kill him!” Vivian cried. “Please, don’t punch him anymore!”

The desire to run out of the apartment flowed within me, but I stayed there, unsure of what else to do.

I couldn’t call the cops.

Footsteps stomped into the apartment.

I opened my eyes. The bulky white bodyguard Lucy had pointed out in India rushed in.

A black guy twice his size bolted in soon after.

They both snatched up Troy by his arms and restrained him the best they could. Troy struggled and fought the two guards, but with them working together he was no match. One held his arms. The other captured his legs.

Neither said anything as Troy cursed.

“Who are they?” Vivian covered her mouth.

“They’re my guards.” I stepped over to Noc and prayed with all my strength he was okay. I tapped his leg with my foot. “Noc? Are you alive?”

“Mommy?” Noc rolled over in his own blood.

He wiggled his fingers a little. Heavy footsteps boomed behind me.

Now who is this?

I turned to see my worst nightmare come true.

“Everyone down, right now!” Cops pushed me out of the way with their guns aiming toward Troy and my guards.

With my hands raised in the air, I dropped to the floor full of anxiety and grief.

Welcome home.

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