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Darkness blanketed the space so much I couldn’t see anything. I located a towel, wrapped it around me, and sped out of the room like my life depended on it.

Never again.

It took me fifteen minutes to pack my things. I slung them in bags without even folding them.

Each minute, I glanced over my shoulder as if Chase or Lucy would storm in and try to keep me in the hotel.

Thirty minutes later, I arrived at the airport and purchased a commercial flight back to the US. I’d spotted one of my guards rushing to buy tickets too and prayed he wouldn’t wake up and alert Chase.

For two hours I waited in the airport with nerves flickering on the borderline of hysteria.

When the plane arrived, I boarded and thanked god. Hopefully, no hard feelings would come between us. Before I got on the flight, I even emailed him to make certain of no ill will.


I’m sorry. I promised I wouldn’t leave without telling you what was wrong, but I just figured you would talk me into staying. I don’t want to be a part of your arrangement.

Sorry I agreed. Neither of you did anything wrong.

It’s me, not you.

Jasmine :-)

He would be pissed, but he would get the message and move on.

* * *

Now back to normalcy.

Back in the U.S., I sighed in relief as I climbed the stairs to my apartment. Visions of a shower and my soft mattress danced in my head. It was five in the morning, and I just needed a snack and lots of sleep.

Just a simple normal . . . What the hell?

My brother stood naked in the hallway. He held a pillow to hide the one thing I absolutely did not ever desire to see most of all. He didn’t even notice that I approached. He kept his ear to my door, listening to the yells and shouts drifting out of my apartment.

Plates crashed from inside and then Vivian shrieked.

“What the hell?” I dropped my bags on the ground.

“You bastard!” Vivian screamed from inside the apartment. “You son of a bitch!”

“Oh god. You’re here. Quick! Give me your keys.” Troy raced to me with his hand out. “Hurry. Noc caught us hooking up—”

“How did he even get in?” I held my hand to my chest.

“He had a key.”

“What? When did he get a freaking key?”

“Viv hurried me outside so she could talk to him and then that motherfucker locked the door. They’ve been fighting ever since. He won’t let her open the door and—”

“What the hell?” My heartbeat increased.

“Keys, Jasmine!” He yanked up my bag. “Where are they?”


“I swear I heard him hit her.” Troy’s chest rose and fell like he’d just been sprinting. “She’s been crying. I have to make sure he’s not hurting her!”

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