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“We’d better be talking about TV or a movie, because no one is watching me have sex.” I glanced at Lucy. “No offense, but that’s just a bit too much.”

“None taken,” she said.

“Get up.” I pinched Chase’s stomach so he would get the picture.

“You don’t feel comfortable with her looking at us?” Chase moved away.

“No.” I sat up and covered my breasts.

“I won’t touch you, but I will touch myself,” Lucy assured me. “I don’t like being intimate with anyone I don’t know well.”

Well, I find watching to be intimate, too.

“I promise I won’t touch you,” she said again.

“I know you won’t.” I rubbed my eyes, as if that could clear my head.

“Maybe we could try it a little.” Chase attempted to move my arm.

“No.” I smacked his hand away.

“We could order some wine with the food.” He caressed my thigh. This time his fingers caused disgust to rise in my core.

Are you kidding me?

“I don’t want wine.” I scooted to the edge of his bed. “In fact, I’ll eat in my room.”

“Relax, Jasmine.” He clasped his hand on my arm.

I sighed. “Let me go.”

“Okay. Both of you calm down.” Lucy got up and tossed her book and pen on the bed next to me. It was a crossword puzzle book.

Who the hell does a puzzle while they watch people have sex?

“Stay in here and eat with us.” She sat down next to me, closer than I wanted. I gritted my teeth.

Isn’t our situation weird enough?

“We’re having a good time,” Chase said. “Let’s just eat and relax. Nothing has to happen.”

“Nothing will happen.” I stood up.

Someone knocked at the door.

I jumped up.

“You’re not calming down, Jasmine.” Lucy chuckled and rushed to the door.

Chase’s eyes traveled down my body, but it didn’t turn me on. Instead, I felt naked, weak, and alone. If he didn’t back off, I would have to punch him.

“Come back on the bed.” He patted the area where I’d been sitting.

“Hell no.” I hugged myself and headed away from him.

A savory aroma drifted my way. Lucy showed two men holding trays where to put our food. Red and white turbans propped on their heads. Matching jackets and pantsuits finished their outfits.

I gazed at the open door, wanting to escape.

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