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“I don’t have cameras and microphones in your apartment’s ceiling. So there’s no need to discuss any of these.”

“Then how did you know Troy was in my apartment the night you sent a tuxedo for him?”

“I have security monitoring your apartment building. They scanned his face and checked it within their records system. His uniform size is logged in the system, by the way.”

“Then end the monitoring.”

“No.” He pierced me with his eyes. “You mean too much to me. And since you insist on being out in Knightson, thirty long minutes away, I’ll be adding more security.”

He switched to another card. His lips widened to a huge smile. “Why can’t I give you an allowance?”

“I’d rather not be financially dependent on you. I’ll also be sending out my resume for other companies. I don’t like that you’re signing my checks.”

“Will you work for me until you find another job?”

I nodded.

“I agree to all of your rules on here. They’re minor limits to what I desire.” He flipped through the rest of the cards and then handed them back to me. “Okay. You’ll give me three months, part of it with you under my roof. No sex with anybody else until they’re investigated and no running off through back doors because you’re freaked out about something.”

I nodded.

He’d agreed with more than I figured he would, but still my hands shook and my heartbeat increased.

“So are you officially my girlfriend?” He hit me with a look that drowned in fear and intensity. No confidence stirred in his eyes as he kneeled in front of me, waiting for my response.

“Yes,” I whispered.

“You’ll tell me if anything is wrong, right?” He stood up as I nodded. “Then let’s celebrate.”

He headed off and left me there, shocked.

“He took my limits well in the end.” I rose with Lucy.

She leaned my way and whispered, “He anticipated everything except the condoms and financial independence.”

I snapped my face to hers. “What?”

“He actually thought he could only get you to agree for a month and that you would never live with us.”

“He cheated.” I set my hands on my hips.

“Nope.” She wagged her finger. “Those were just lucky guesses. You know he negotiates for a living.”

“You still helped him.”

“Nope. I refereed.” She put her arm on my shoulder. We followed him as he headed for the party, snapping his freaking spoiled fingers. “You do know he’ll figure out a way to undermine any date you have?”

“Figures,” I muttered.

“And there’s no way he’ll let you work somewhere else. No one will hire you if he spreads the word to stay away from you.”

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