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Heels clicked on the stone path behind me.

Lucy’s cheerful voice sounded. “How is everything going?”

“He’s being an asshole.” I glared at Chase.

Chase countered, “She’s trying to get innocent men killed,”

“So it sounds like you both are being stubborn.” Lucy patted Chase’s shoulder. He scooted over and allowed her to sit between us.

Lucy smiled. “What’s the problem?”

“I want to date other men.” I crossed my arms over my chest. “And I won’t even consider this orgy fest without that.”

“You heard her.” Lucy turned to Chase. “If she’s going to try this then you can try her dating men for a few weeks.”

“And at the end of these weeks if I still don’t like it?” Chase leaned forward so I could see him.

“Then I walk away,” I replied.

He directed his gaze to the stream in front of us. “Can I approve of the men before you date them?”

“No.” I tapped my feet. “I doubt you’ll ever approve of anyone else.”

He groaned.

I sucked my teeth.

Lucy laughed.

This is a waste of time.

“How about this?” Lucy clapped her hands together. “Chase approves the guys you have sex with. You have to realize that Stone Industries has many enemies. It’s protocol that anyone close to Chase’s friends or family gets investigated.”

I eyed her. “Will the guys know they’re being investigated?”

“They don’t have to.” Lucy shook her head.

“Guys?” Chase’s voice held a dangerous edge. “How many are we talking?”

“I’ve only slept with two men in my life.” I raised two fingers. “It’s not like I have a line of men waiting to spread my legs to.”

“You do. You just don’t realize it,” he muttered.

“Let’s stay focused.” Lucy clapped again. “So far the compromise is that Jasmine dates other men.”

“I have to be a part of any investigation of the men and approval,” I added. “Plus, Chase doesn’t get the final say on who I do or don’t have sex with.”

“They’ll need to be checked before any physical stuff happens,” Lucy said.

“Including kissing,” Chase added.

“Just sex, Chase.” Lucy grinned. “Dawn will want the guys to be tested for STD’s and—”

“That’s fine, but I’m using a condom regardless,” I interrupted. “Which brings me to my other rule. If Chase and I have sex it’s always going to be with a condom.”

“I don’t like them.” He stood up and started to pace.

“I told you I had to get an abortion once. It’s something I feel horrible about and I vowed to always wear a condom until I was having sex with my husband.”

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