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“A trip to India isn’t overboard?”

“No. This is normal Chase.” She shook her head. “Just try to compromise with him. Think of all the things you want and don’t want in this situation and then sit him down to discuss it. He’ll work with you because he wants you that much.”

I rubbed my eyes. “I don’t know.”

“If he was a single guy would you have dated him?”

“Yeah,” I said as we advanced in the line.

“If you were both just dating he would probably be dating other women anyway, right? Why not just try it out for a few weeks, and if you don’t like it, then walk away.”

“I’m not sure I could do that.” I blew out a loud breath. It would be easy to spend time and date him.

But what if I fall for him?

It would be so hard to walk away.

This is such a hard decision.

Part of me thought the arrangement was abrasive. The other part enjoyed the fun moments I had with him and was interested in experiencing what it meant to date a gorgeous man of his prestige and wealth.

“Jasmine, just give him a few weeks.”

“Well, maybe I’ll do a trial period if he meets me with my own rules.”

And there would be a bunch of them. I had to try my best to guarantee I wasn’t putting myself in a situation that would destroy me physically, emotionally, or even mentally. The last thing I needed was a stressful relationship that shoved me into depression.

“Yes!” Lucy did a fist pump into the air. “Oh yeah! We’re sisters now. And did you see the dresses he bought for us to wear tonight? They’re so gorgeous.”

“No.” I turned so she couldn’t see me and rolled my eyes.

First rule: I date who I want. Second: No more dressing me.

“So do you have any questions for me?” Lucy asked.

“What is your relationship with him? He told me you don’t have sex.”

“Nope. I’m not a sexual person. At least, not like what people conceive a sexual person to be.”


“I’m complicated. Basically I don’t have sex at all. So what Chase and I have is mainly companionship. We’re never intimate or touchy in any way.” She tossed her red hair over her shoulder.

I cleared my throat. “Why aren’t you intimate?”

She paused for a few seconds and looked away. “Some things happened to me when I was young. Not to darken our great day, but I’ll just say that Chase saved me when we were young. I don’t feel safe around any man but him.”

“He saved you?”

“He stopped some bad things from continuing.” A weak smile appeared on her face. “I don’t have sex. I can’t stand to be touched in an intimate way. When it’s Chase’s and my date night, we just do fun stuff.”

My interest in the situation was so piqued I barely realized we had moved up in line. “So, give me an example of what you do.”

“He’s a part of my chick-lit reading group. He comes to the meetings and discusses the required reading for the month.”

“Hilarious.” I covered my mouth with my hand. “Please snap a picture next time you do a meeting.”

“It’s rather adorable to watch him with his legs crossed on the carpet, eating little pink cookies and sipping raspberry tea as he breaks down the heroine’s motivations in a story.” She leaned my way and whispered, “But between you and me, I think he pays someone to read the books and type up answers to the discussion questions. Every time our group leader asks him a question he always just looks down at his sheet of answers and reads it out word for word.”

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