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“Okay. I’m a little pissed.”

“Think of it this way. You got a great trip to India.”

I nodded. “Good point.”

Lucy eased around a woman draped in bright orange and pink fabric. The woman carried a baby on her hip. I wiggled my fingers at him, and the little guy laughed.

I halted on the dusty road. “So what are we supposed to be doing now, if you already bought the present?”

She grinned and took my hand into hers. “We’re supposed to be bonding.”

I yanked my hand away. “Bonding? Is that what our psychotic lordship requested?”

“No. Actually our ladyship ordered me to bond with you. Dawn thought it was a good idea if I talked to you and answered any questions you might have about our living arrangement.”

“And why did she think this was a good idea, again?”

“Chase didn’t tell us what happened Friday night, but we figured things didn’t work out because you didn’t come to Willow Park and Chase was pretty angry.” Lucy captured my hand again. “So Dawn and I are trying to do damage control.”

This is weirder than I thought.

“What happened?” she asked.

“I told him I wasn’t interested.” I returned to walking and allowed her to hold my hand. For what reason she needed to hold it, I didn’t know.

“You said no?” Lucy giggled really loud. “I bet he hated that. We barely ever tell him no. Then what happened?”


“No way. Something happened. Chase doesn’t just hear no and back away.”

“Nothing happened that was a big deal,” I lied.

“Oh, it had to be major. He stayed up in the batting cage all night hitting baseballs. Boom. Boom. One after another. My window is right over the batting cage so there was no way I got any sleep,” Lucy said. “Dawn raced out there later and begged him to come inside. It must have been five in the morning when he finally did. Two hours later he announced that we were going to India.”

I gave her a weird look. “You stay with him?”

“We all do. It’s a huge property called Willow Park. A big mansion with five individual apartments in it.”

Willow Park.

I remembered the name. When he had fingered me, he’d whispered that he wanted me under his roof in Willow Park and in his bed. Heat spread across my skin at the thought of that night, and it wasn’t from the sun that beat down on us as we walked.

“I want to get those henna designs on my hands.” Lucy’s eyes shone with excitement.

It was such an odd sight, being that she’d just confessed they all lived together.

This is too much to handle.

I’d witnessed some of the worst fights on South End that started with a female catching her boyfriend with another chick. Once two women had battled in the middle of the street for hours, scratching skin, yanking weaves, and screaming curses the entire time. And there in Willow Park, Chase lived happily with his three women.

Why does he even need a fourth? He’s so freaking spoiled.

“Chase always runs off to the batting cage when he’s seriously pissed. When he’s full of rage he’ll stay in there until the morning.”

She studied my face as we stopped at a street corner. “So? Tell me what made him so mad Friday night.”

“Nothing happened.”

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