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I bit my lip and removed my headphones, but kept my blindfold on like it was totally normal.


“Can we talk?” Chase’s voice stirred the soft flesh between my thighs as if I were naked and laying in front of him with my legs open and he’d gently blew right on that spot. “Jasmine?”

“Yes, we can talk,” I muttered.

“Without the blindfold.”

Struggling not to whimper, I cleared my throat and removed my blindfold.

Lucy slept in the seat across from us with hot-pink headphones on her ears. Earlier, she’d swallowed a Valium and explained that her fear of flying was way more extreme than mine so she chose to be in a deep comatose sleep during most of the flight.

Chase’s bodyguards and two lawyers lounged in chairs on the other side. They typed into their laptops and didn’t look our way. Everyone had lowered their shades so the space possessed only the dim lighting from the computer screens.

“That’s better. I love looking into your hazel eyes.”

I rolled them. “What did you want to discuss?”

“Let’s go in the back and talk about it.”

Red alert! His bedroom is in the back. No way.

“N-no. I can’t.”

A pained expression spread across his face. “Are you afraid of me?”

“What? No.”

“You look scared shitless right now.”

My mouth fell open. “I-I just don’t want to go into your bedroom.”

His lips shifted to a smirk. “I planned on us talking in my personal lounge, not my bedroom. I’m not that extreme.”

“Okay.” I unbuckled and rose out of my seat.

He clasped his fingers around my hand. He wore a white linen shirt, blue jeans, and flip flops. I couldn’t decide if he looked hotter this way or in a towel.

And surely a man with pretty toes couldn’t be trusted.

“I have a personal lounge in the back.” He led me there and carried my book bag with him.

“I know. Lucy showed it to me.”

“Did she show you the room with the spiked chains and wooden spanking paddles?”

“What?” I paused in the hallway. My fingers shook.

“It’s a joke, Jasmine.”

“Not funny,” I mumbled.

A beige door appeared.

He opened it.

We’ll just talk. Stop being so scared.

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