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“Breakfast at Tiffany’s is a classic.”

“Wizard of Oz is a classic, but it still sucks, Jazz.”

“What?” I tried to get the remote back. He moved it out of my reach and switched the channel to sports. I groaned with annoyance. “You have to be the only person in America to think the Wizard of Oz sucks.”

“More people hate it than you think.”

The blending stopped.

Troy whispered in my ear. “She’s been acting weird all morning. She didn’t want me to cuddle with her.”

“Gee. I wonder if that has something to do with her having a boyfriend.”

“I doubt it.” He slung his feet on the table. “She wasn’t thinking about him when I was stroking—”

“Don’t. I’m already sick.”

In the kitchen, the fridge slammed. Then water poured as the blender continued. Months ago, I’d bet Vivian fifty dollars she couldn’t be quiet in the apartment for an hour. I’d won in five minutes. It was just something in her personality that forced her to be noisy. She possessed a knack for touching things with as much racket as possible.

Troy whispered, “I think she regrets what happened.”

“Well, she sounded like she was enjoying herself, last night.” I scrunched my face in horror. “Eww, by the way. Thanks for that. I’ll be spending the rest of the month cleansing my mental rolodex of last night.”

“She hasn’t said more than two words since we woke up.”

A large part of me wanted to scream, “This is why you don’t sleep with your freaking best friend!” But, it wasn’t what he needed to hear.

And who the hell was I to judge anyone after last night’s finger-and-escape debacle with Chase?

I rubbed my eyes. “Have you asked her if everything is okay?”

“No. I already know what’s wrong.”

“You do?”

He frowned. “I’m a black ex-convict with no real future.”

“Would you stop that? You have your whole life ahead of you. If anyone believes in you, it’s Vivian.”

Why hadn’t I seen this coming?

I always thought she had a crush on him, but she’d been denying it since we were kids. Even now, she had pictures of him in her top drawer.

I’d found them last month when I was searching for her hidden Girl Scout cookie supply. She knew I had a serious addiction to Caramel Delights, so she buried them in secret spots in her room.

Obviously, I never brought up the pictures, being that I was perusing her underwear drawer. Additionally, she always wrote him when he was in juvenile centers and later in jail. I’d figured she was just being nice, but I guess it was more than that.

“Yeah. Well, she’s tripping about something.” He switched through some channels when a commercial came on. “Maybe it’s her dad. You and I know I’m a decent guy, but Benny won’t think that if she told him we were together.”

“Benny loves the hell out of you. Plus, she doesn’t care about what her dad thinks. If she did, she wouldn’t be with Noc.” I slung my own feet on top of the table next to his. “By the way, Benny loves you but he’s going to kill you if he ever finds out.”

“Yeah.” Somehow Troy discovered another sports channel and increased the TV’s volume. “It’s probably best she’s acting weird. Nothing would’ve come out of it.”

“Meanwhile, I’ve been mentally harmed in the process.”

“Whatever. We thought you were still at the office working.”

I thought about what I’d actually been doing and clamped my mouth shut.

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