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Chapter 10

Hung Over

A pounding thumped over and over in my head. I popped two Advil and spent the rest of the morning drinking glasses of water to combat the dehydration from my hangover. The living room’s darkness blanketed me.

One of my favorite old films, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, played on the screen.

“Why is it so dark in here?” Vivian strolled out of her bedroom in black yoga pants and a white tank top. When she got to the blinds, she yanked them open. “That’s better. It’s such a lovely day today.”

Sunlight streamed through and blinded me.

I covered my face with a pillow. “I hate you.”

“Are we going for a run today? I’m thinking at least five miles.”

“Die.” I closed my eyes. “Die slow and in a river of blood and pain.”

“That sounds like a yes to me.” She skipped into the kitchen.

Banging sounded soon after.

I groaned in annoyance as Vivian’s loud kitchen music began. The fridge slammed close. Dishes crashed to the counter. She stomped around, whistling some god-awful tune the whole time. Chopping came next and then the blender buzzed.

I yelled. “Must you be so loud?”

“It’s twelve o’clock in the afternoon and perfectly normal to make noise at this time.”

“Well, I got no sleep because my roommate was up all night having noisy sex with her boyfriend—”

Plates crashed to the floor.

I opened my eyes.

She peered out from the kitchen. Her blonde hair swung back and forth in the doorway. A pink tint shaded her whole face.

“Jasmine, you were here? You heard everything?”

“Of course I was here. I live here, you know.”

“But I never heard you come in.” She went back into the kitchen. “Oh god, I can’t believe you heard that.”

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