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Chase released my hand and placed it on my hip instead. My heartbeat increased, but I told myself it was the music and not that he was touching me. I balanced on my tippy toes and scanned the crowd for Vivian or Troy.

“Do you see them?” Chase’s lips brushed my ear.

I shivered, inched away from him, and shook my head. “No. I don’t see them.”

He turned me around until I faced him. “Well, let’s dance a little and then when it slows down maybe we’ll see them.”

“A rich man can satisfy her needs. She’ll let him use her up. It’s all about greed.”

“Maybe we should just go to the bar,” I whispered in his ear.

He pulled me to him until my body pressed against his hard chest.

It’s been a long time since I’ve been in a man’s arms. And never a man like this.

He slipped his hands from my waist and rested them on my hips. “I’d rather stay here.”

“The sex price is getting higher, houses and more money she require. But is she a prostitute or lover for hire. Diamonds and pearls she require.”

I used to love this song, but now I wasn’t so sure.

I stiffened under his arms.

What the hell am I doing here with him?

Surely, this would not end with us shaking each other’s hands and saying goodnight. He didn’t seem like that type of man, the type to give up. He’d spent three months figuring out how to get me in his company and I’d easily walked into his trap like a mouse following the scent of cheese.

“Gold digging lady. She’ll call you baby for the cash. Gold digging lady. She’ll make you moan for the cash.”

“What’s wrong? You stopped dancing.” With his hands, he guided my hips and helped them to sway, in perfect time to the song. “Is everything okay?”

I swallowed down my discomfort. “Yes.”

Our bodies were so close, every ridge of his layered muscle touched the front of my body.

He’s so rock hard.

And I enjoyed each press of him into me, each rotation of his hips as he grinded into my center. The bundles of nerves between my thighs stirred. I bit my lip and was certain it would be swollen by the end of the night. One of his hands moved from my hip and nudged my arm.

“Relax.” He caressed the tip of my earlobe with his lips. “I told you I would take this as far as you let me.”

That’s what I’m afraid of.

I edged back until there was space between us and placed my hands on his shoulders. “You’re a good dancer.”

He twirled us around. “I wanted to be a ballet dancer when I was a kid, but my dad said only homosexuals love to dance.”

“That sucks. You would’ve been a grand Black Swan.” I giggled.

“If only my father wasn’t a bigot.”

“That still doesn’t explain your excellent dancing skills.”

“I take ballroom dancing with Wendy. It’s usually what we do on our evenings together.”

“Interesting.” It was also just what I needed to return back to reality. I could never be with him and I needed to remember that as much as possible. The music’s tempo slowed. The lights brightened around us.

“Thank you for coming to see My Republic!” The singer wiped his head with a towel. “We’ll be back in thirty minutes. Please welcome three aspiring poets: Magnetic, Liquid Dread, and Noc Santiago.”

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