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An unnerving quiet thickened the space.

He pulled me in closer until only two inches stood between us.

“Say it,” he said in a low voice.

Shock coursed through my veins.

“What do you want me to say?” I shifted my focus to his broad shoulders. Since he’d taken his jacket off, I could now see the muscles in his arms stretching his white shirt.

Rich, young, sexy, and flawless skin. Nobody’s that perfect. His penis must be an inch long.

He licked his lips. “Look at me.”

Swallowing, I followed his order.

Our eyes met. And there came a look from him that froze me in place, one that dizzied my brain and made me sway. It was like alcohol poisoning to the bloodstream, and I felt like a drunkard on his tenth shot, realizing it was too late for salvation and certain of keeling over to the ground.

What the hell am I getting myself into?

No hint of humor skittered across his expression. “Say, ‘I. Am. Your. God.’”

Any other time I would have laughed, but when it came to my financial situation, I held my mocking inside. Those four words, I am your god, guaranteed a six-figure salary—one I thought I wouldn’t reach until my fifteenth year of working.

Here it was, my first official job out of college, and my salary exceeded my expectations. The things I could do with that amount danced in my head—pay school loans, get a new car, help my mom raise my nieces and nephews, finally present my other roommate/best friend the rent money I’d never been able to give her since we’d moved into our place a year ago.

I centered all of my attention on Chase and displayed what I hoped to be a self-assured smile. “You are my god.”

Chapter 2


They’re all dead? That can’t be a coincidence.

I stumbled toward my apartment door.

My phone buzzed for the thirtieth time that night. My mom’s name flashed on the phone’s screen. I’d been too busy to answer it in the salon, clothing stores, or on the limo ride to my place where Lucy told me my duties.

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