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I realized his bowl was now empty.

Then, he licked the spoon, and the way his tongue slid over the metal caused me to shiver.

Ignore that, Jasmine.

“I saw you across the table. Your laugh caught my attention. You sounded exciting.” He placed the napkin back on the table. “I asked you what college you went to. You said Harvard, and then twisted in your chair so you were facing your friend. You basically spent the rest of the party talking to her.”

“Were you with Dawn?”


“That’s probably why. I tend to ignore men who are obviously taken.” I motioned to his engagement ring. “When a guy speaks to me at a party, I always check his ring finger first. If I see a ring, I don’t even waste my time looking at the guy’s face.”

“Well, I didn’t enjoy being ignored by you. You seemed like a lot of fun. Your friend laughed every time you whispered to her. When Benny sat down by you, it was the first time I’d ever seen that man smile like that in my life, and I’ve known him since I was a kid.”

“That’s how he is around Vivian.”

“No. I’m talking about the happy stares he kept giving you. And again, you had him laughing and smiling just like your friend. I even smiled. You were intoxicating.”

“So you’re attracted to me due to my ability to make people laugh?” I tossed him a skeptical look.

“Fine. You caught me in a small lie. I’ll admit it.” He shrugged. “The first thing that attracted me was your breasts. Before you sat down, you leaned over to smell the rose centerpiece, and I got a generous view of your cleavage. Then you looked my way and trapped me with those hazel eyes. Next was the intoxicating personality.”

I stirred uncomfortably in my seat and averted my eyes. I wasn’t used to the brutally honest compliments. If, in fact, he was actually being honest.

I widened my eyes. “So what happened next?”

A wicked smirk spread over his face. “I turned to Dawn, pointed to you, and said, ‘I want her.’”

Chapter 8

The Arrangement

Gabe chose that exact moment to arrive at our table.

“How am I doing so far?” Gabe asked.

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