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I cleared my throat. “So, are you ready to discuss the proposals?”

“No.” Chase leaned toward me and whispered, “I’m interested in pursuing something more with you.”

“I’m interested in what your fiancée would say about that.” I slumped back in my chair. “If you keep this up I’ll sue you for harassment.”

He laughed and took a sip of his wine. “I own most of the judges in this county.”

“That doesn’t scare me.”

“I’m not trying to scare you. I’m trying to explain how suing me would be a waste of your time and money. Besides, maybe you should give me a chance and let me tell you my proposal.”

“I’m not interested.” I formed my lips into a straight line.

“Yes you are.”

“Goodnight.” I pushed my chair back and stood up. “You’re an asshole and I quit.”

His smile remained as he rose with me and seized my arm.

Other customers in the restaurant looked our way.

I spoke through clenched teeth, “Let go of me,”

“Can you just answer a question for me, please?”

I gritted my teeth. “What?”

“If I was single and wasn’t your boss, would you date me?”

I yanked my arm away.

He grabbed it again and then glided his hands slowly down to my wrist. The area tingled with awareness.

“Come on, Jasmine. Answer me. Would you date me?”

I looked him up and down. “Of course. But, you are my boss and you’re not single.”

“So you are interested.” He smirked. “Good. Because I can compromise with you on the boss and single part.”


“Please sit down.” He gestured toward my chair. “We have a nice meal on the way. I’m sure your friend Gabe would be disappointed.”

Our waiter approached us. “Is everything okay?”

“Yes.” I reluctantly returned to my chair.

Chase followed.

The waiter grabbed our empty plates, cleaned the table of any crumbs, and filled our glasses with water.

The whole time Chase and I stared at each other.

Once the waiter left, I leaned forward. “I don’t appreciate you maneuvering your way into my Friday night and making up an assignment that I work on all week just so—”

“The job and assignment are real.”

“I don’t care if you own all the judges in the state. When you flirt with me, you’re playing with fire.”

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