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“Good place to put it.” He stared at the area longer than he should have. Since I’d been ogling his behind every morning I pretended I didn’t see.

He cleared his throat. “So what were your plans for tonight?”

“Just hanging out with my friends.”

“Is there a new boyfriend in there somewhere?”

“No. I told you during the interview I was single.”

He placed his hands in his pockets. “You did, but there’s no denying a woman as enchanting as yourself would be able to nab a man in seconds.”

I snorted. It burst from my lips and bounced off the walls. “Sorry, but I’m no seductress.”

“Maybe not.” He titled his head my way. “But you’re definitely more than I’d expected. You’ve definitely got my attention.”

I don’t want your attention. I swallowed. More than expected? Maybe next week I’ll ruin his lunch meals.

“So where are we going for dinner?” he asked. “Don’t spare the cost.”

“Really?” My discomfort vanished at the thought of food.

The elevator halted.

The doors slid open.

Cool air breezed in from the lower garage.

“Give me your car keys. I’ll have Oscar drive your car to your apartment and we’ll take my limo to dinner.” Chase planted his hand on the middle of my back. An area I preferred only dates and lovers to touch.

“Okay.” I eased away from his sly fingers. My two keys and all of my credit cards lay on my right breast, underneath the top of my bra. I slipped my fingers in, pulled them out, twisted his way, and handed them to him.

“Do you ever lose your keys or money?” he asked.


A massive bald-headed black man stepped out of the shadows.

I jumped.

Where did he come from?

“Oscar, take Ms. Montgomery’s car to her home. Here you go.” Chase handed the keys to Oscar and placed his warm hand on the same, sensitive area of my back. “So where are we eating, Jasmine?”

“What type of food do you want?”

“It doesn’t matter. You pick. Like I said, don’t worry about the cost.”

I smiled so hard my cheeks hurt. “Then I would love to go to Lan.”

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