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I’ll still apply to more jobs tomorrow.

“And to a new beginning,” he added.

“Hello, Jasmine,” a woman said behind me. I turned around. A tall woman with long blonde hair and blue eyes smiled at me. A crimson dress formed around her perfect body. She extended her hand. “I’m Dawn Benson. Chase’s fiancée.”

This night just keeps getting better and better.

I stood up and shook her hand. “Nice to meet you.”

“You should put in a complaint about your yearbook pictures,” Dawn smiled. “I expected a cutie, but you’re captivating.”

What does one say to that?

“Thank you . . . you’re also beautiful.” I tried to let go of her hand, but Dawn wouldn’t release it. Instead she gently squeezed my fingers. “Welcome to our family. I think you’re worthy. Do you?”

I paused for a minute and then responded, “Yes.”

She traced a circle on my hand with her thumb. “I’m truly excited.”

And you’re creeping me out.

“Dawn.” Chase rose and placed his arm around her shoulder. She released my hand. He flashed me a weak smile. “I’m sure Jasmine would love to go greet her friend and brother over there.”

I looked at where he was pointing. Vivian and Troy stepped off the elevator. “Oh yes. I would. If that’s okay.”

“Sure. I just wanted to see how the make-over turned out.” Chase allowed his eyes to travel down my body one last time and then said, “Consider yourself free for the rest of the evening. I will see you Monday morning, correct?”


“Goodnight, Jasmine.” He grinned.

“Nice meeting you,” Dawn added.

“Also.” Chase touched my arm and I paused. “Tell your brother to come by human resources on Monday. I’ve heard it’s pretty difficult for an ex-con to get a job. However, my company always needs security guards. Tell him he has a job with me if he wants it.”

Shocked, I nodded. “I really appreciate that. Thanks so much.”

“No problem,” he said. “When you join with me, you never have to worry about taking care of your family again.”

“Good. Because I definitely need the help.”

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