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Those words coated my tongue and begged to be released, but something drummed at the back of my head. A tiny little thought that wouldn’t stay still. Agitated, the thought stirred and fussed, shifting from side to side, nudging the logical part of my brain and rousing other thoughts in my mind.

For the past five years he’d been involved with at least three women at a time. They attended to his needs and spoiled him rotten. He’d made love to them as he pleased, treated, and dressed them however he desired.

But now all of a sudden he’d said he wasn’t in the arrangement anymore?

What did that mean for us? Where was our future? Would he need a new arrangement?

“I love you, Jasmine,” he whispered.

But will that love be enough?


Murderous Rage

I watched Chase and Jasmine from my darkened corner of the restaurant.

I am a spectator of love, nothing more.

I followed him here, and realized what he was up to immediately.

I’d followed them both here before.

I should have killed her then, but I’d been hopeful, too full of optimism.

“I’m so sorry,” he’d told us. “I’ll provide for all of you for two more years so you can find employment and living arrangements.”

You expect us to leave Willow Park in two years? Well, I’m done giving you what you want.

He’d quantified five years of tears, heartbreaking compromise, and lonely nights of depression into a lump sum that he’d dropped into each of our accounts. He thought money could solve it.

But you forgot that I don’t need your money. I need you.

He kissed Jasmine again.

My stomach twisted into tough knots.

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