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He kissed her right after he just kissed me!

Tears stung my eyes, but didn’t spill over.

What did I think? That I was special? That I was his girl?

I wanted to collapse right there on the doorstep and give up, just let the rain slam down on me. I dug my nails into my palms, unable to look away or escape.

They stopped kissing. Giggling like a school girl, Wendy climbed inside. Chase got ready to get in after her, paused, and slowly turned around. His mouth dropped open.

“Jasmine?” I heard him say my name over the rain.

“Bastard.” I backed up and slammed the door.

Am I overreacting, or do I have every right to be pissed? Because right now I’m motherfucking pissed!

I breathed in and out at a fast pace and rushed up the stairs. The front door’s knob jiggled as someone opened it.


“Jasmine?” Chase yelled, right as I rounded the corner on the second level.

I can’t talk to him right now. I may slap or gut him. I need to think.

Stomping sounded behind me from the stairs. I quickly shoved my keys into my apartment’s door, opened it, and hurried in. The door banged close. The lock clicked when I turned it.

“Wait, Jasmine,” Chase called back. “Can we talk about this?”

“Just go on your date!” I yelled and stormed off toward the kitchen. Silence came next. I didn’t know if he was outside the door or if he’d just returned to Wendy. Tears finally fell down my face and I wiped them away, pissed at myself for even crying.

What did I expect?

My phone buzzed.

Vivian: We’re bored. Do you want to do something?

I rubbed my eyes. Wendy and Chase kissing flashed in my head again.

Me: Party at my place. Bring lots of wine.

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