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Chapter 27


We never made it to the gym.

Chase and Dawn argued for two hours in her apartment, the hallway outside my door, the front of the house, and then finally in the garden.

I watched them from my living room window.

Lucy stumbled outside, completely hung over and pissed. She tried to referee, but they ignored her. Eventually, she collapsed on the ground and simply laid in the grass, holding her forehead.

Wendy strolled out with a glass of wine in one hand and a lit cigarette in the other.

By the second hour I was dressed in a business suit. I saw no resolution coming and called a cab to take me to the office.

Chase was correct about a pile of work being on his desk. It was a tower of contracts, status reports, new business proposals, and invitations to events. They covered the whole surface. I did my best to organize everything and take care of the ones I’d been authorized to handle.

A few times I called Lucy to make sure everything was okay. She would give me the okay on everything. On the last call, she told me Dawn had called an emergency counseling session for everyone at 1 p.m. with their therapist and I was expected to be there.

I never showed up. For one, I wasn’t one of the crazy people arguing all morning. Second, who the hell was she to demand I be anywhere?

Instead, I concentrated on Chase’s work pile and caught him up enough where he wouldn’t be too overwhelmed once he came into the office the next day.

By the afternoon, I’d had many aggravated text messages from Dawn that I promptly deleted.

Mom also sent lots of texts, thanking me for the huge sum of money that was delivered to her apartment and informing me the power was back on. Apparently, Chase had ignored my wishes and ordered Xavier to give them ten thousand dollars.

I wasn’t sure if I should be overjoyed, worried, or pissed.

Night came with a shower of cold rain and a blackened sky with no stars or fluffy clouds to hover over the land.

I arrived back at Willow Park wet, tired, and exhausted.

I honestly couldn’t wait to get home. A hot bathtub full of bubbles floated in my head.

I gazed at the huge mansion when I stepped out of the cab and ran down the pathway, keeping my hands over my head. Raindrops battered my skin and soaked my clothes. I slipped a few times on the stairs and cursed my high heels. Yet, somehow I made it to the front door without falling.

The door opened before I could touch the knob. A surprised Chase stood in the doorway dressed in a designer suit. His waves were smoothed back. A different cologne drifted from him. It smelled woodsy and of the earth, but still it captured me and I swayed like a bumbling idiot.

He seized my arm before I could stumble back. “Are you okay?”

“Of course.” I got a hold of myself, balanced on my toes, and embraced him. His body stiffened, but when I pressed my lips to his, he groaned into my mouth and stabbed me with his tongue. Shivers of need spasmed within me. I wanted him inside of me right there, in the doorway, or even in the rain. His hands tightened around my arms as he pressed me into him.

“Are you fucking serious?” Wendy said, racing down the stairwell.

I quickly pulled away from him. A turquoise satin gown draped her slim body. Her brunette curls were swept up into a delicate bun.

Oh my god. Of course. It’s her date night.

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