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Now I’m not sure.

“I’ll have to give you my number later,” I said. “After I talk to my new boss. I’m already late.”

“I’ll be waiting.” He inclined that rock-hard body my way and planted a succulent kiss on my cheek.

Wow. I am definitely giving him my number now.

“Okay, I really have to go.” I moseyed on around him.

Once we approached Chase, a glare corrupted that perfect face.

I swallowed down a shiver.

Chase directed that glare to Darryl. “What was the kiss for?”

“I gave them to all the ladies, sir.”

Chase sipped the sparkling clear liquid in his glass. “Next time make sure the woman is free to be kissed. This one isn’t.”

Excuse me?

“Yes, sir.” Darryl bowed, frowned at me, and left.

I doubt he wants my number anymore.

Chase put his view on me. “Did you give him the erection?”

“What?” I held my hands out to my sides. “No. He was hard before the elevator.”

“What happened on the elevator?” He set his glass on the table.

I started twisting my copper ring. “Nothing happened. He asked me for my number and I told him I would give it to him later.”

“I’d rather you not give out your number to anyone.”

“Of course.” I nodded. Great way to start off a work situation, Jasmine. “I usually don’t give out my number while I’m working. That will never happen again, Mr. Stone.”


“Sorry.” I curtsied like an idiot. Why did I do that? “Sorry, Chase.”

“You look exquisite.” He gestured toward the chair next to him. “Please sit down. Your hair is beautiful.”

“Thank you.”

Of course he loves my hair.

He nodded. “When you’re with me, I want you to look this way.”

I averted my eyes to the balcony so he wouldn’t see the edge of annoyance in my face.

Who was he to say what and how I looked?

My salary popped back into my head.

For $185,000, he could use me as a dress-up doll, determining my hair and clothes to his delight.

“I’m a man who demands more from his assistants than he should. Are you okay with that?”

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