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“Jasmine. It’s me.” Chase waved his hands.

“How the hell did you get in? I locked the door, right?” My heart raced. I held my hand to my chest and waited for my heartbeat to calm down. “I put the bar up on the door, too. I know I did. I always—”

“You probably did lock the front door. I got in here another way. The original house owner was a bit paranoid so there are secret escape routes all over the property. I came here from a crooked stairwell that links my closet to yours.” Chase’s eyes traveled around the room and gazed at the lit candles. “This is magical. You must have twenty candles in here. But you can’t go to sleep like this. A fire could start.”

“What are you doing here?”

Chase’s gaze shifted to me. He opened his mouth and then closed it.

The candlelight flickered off his face, drawing my attention to those luscious lips and piercing eyes. He wore no shirt, just black pajama pants that hung low and exposed those curves of taut abdominal muscles I’d enjoyed trailing my tongue along when we were in Paris.

My heartbeat increased, but this time it wasn’t due to fright.

“His heart is under steel locks and unbreakable bars, but once you find the key he’ll always be yours.”

“Are you going to answer me?” I lifted the blanket so I wouldn’t trip over it as I returned to bed.

“Truthfully, I don’t know why I’m here.” Chase averted his eyes and blew out air. “I guess I just wanted to see you and make sure you were doing okay. That this situation isn’t overwhelming for you.”

“I’m fine.”

“You’re lying.”

My mouth dropped open, but no words came out.

“Make believe lover, he’ll take you to butterfly gardens and worlds with no wars. He’ll guide you along a path of rainbows and help you fly toward the stars.”

“What can I do for you?” he asked.

What could you do? Stay with me, like this is just a regular relationship, like it’s only me and you, not three other women vying for your attention and love.

But then it would just be one night, and tomorrow night I’d have to adjust to this crazy place all over again.

He moved around the bed and headed toward me.

“No. I’m fine,” I said.

He paused.

“Plus, you being here is against Dawn’s rules.” I playfully wagged my index finger at him, slung my blankets on the bed, and climbed back on it. “You know you can’t stay.”

“Damn the rules.” He plopped on the bed next to me.

I blocked his hands as he attempted to embrace me.

“What’s wrong?” he whispered. “What’s bothering you?”

“Seriously.” I covered his mouth with my hand. “I’m okay.”

He hovered over me. “I watched you from my window while you stumbled out of the limo. You seemed different. I know your laugh and it wasn’t the same sound from when you laughed a few nights ago. At first, I wasn’t going to come, but . . .”

“But what?”

He said nothing else.

A sinking feeling hit me. Insecurity drifted my way and replaced the little peace I’d been feeling.

I bit my bottom lip. “Will I be the only room you visit tonight?”

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