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I twisted around. “And you can tell Chase! I don’t give a fuck!”

“Jasmine, wait.” Dawn hurried my way as I stopped. “Maybe you need some time before we discuss this any further. And. . .I can always have your therapist and doctor checked out.”

I formed my hands into fists and dug my fingernails into my skin. “Okay.”

She placed her hand on my shoulder. “If we all want to survive this . . . whatever this is, we have to treat each other with respect and dignity as well as follow the rules. I am willing to meet you halfway with certain things.”

“Fine. As long as you understand that I do have limits and my own personal needs.”

“You’re not a glorified mistress.” Dawn’s cheeks tinted red.

I sure do feel that way.

“Thank you.”

She removed her hand and put them both into her robe’s pockets. “However, I am worried that Chase is allowing you to date and have sex with other men. He informed me of this tonight.”

I crossed my arms around my chest. “Did he explain that the men will be investigated and tested before I begin a sexual relationship with them?”

“Yes, but that doesn’t stop me from thinking your dating will complicate things.”

“I’m not going to sit in my damn apartment like a good little girl waiting as Chase tramps around with you all.”


“I’m drunk and annoyed.” I stormed off. “Let’s just talk about this tomorrow.”

“Maybe we can do lunch?”

Maybe after you go do yourself with a broomstick.

“Fine.” I rushed with unlocking my apartment door, opened it, and hurried in without hearing her reply.

I’ve lost my mind. I’m here less than twenty-four hours and not one moment have I felt like this is a great idea.

I leaned on the door and rubbed my face, as if that would help me discover some hidden answer to what I should do next. I’d promised Chase three months, but was now thinking I would only do a week.

Maybe once I’m back in my own apartment it will be better? Then I don’t have to see his women all the time.

Just like that time in India, I drowned in a sensation of being alone. I scanned my empty apartment. Although huge and crowded with expensive furniture, it didn’t embody me. It only represented what Chase thought I was.

My phone buzzed.

I checked the screen.

Vivian: Did you arrive home safely?

Me: Yes. I’ve returned to my pimp’s castle.

Vivian: Stop that. Maybe I was too hard on you. I’m sorry.

Me: Am I being stupid for trying this?

Several seconds passed before she replied.

I tapped my foot. My nerves flared on edge as if her answer would decide the next days of my life.

It probably would.

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