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“I’m already sharing my man, don’t make me share my food.” I opened my mouth in shock and then laughed.

“You’re losing it.” Vivian frowned and quickly grabbed another fry.

“No. I think I’m drunk, actually.” I slid my plate away from her.

Lucy and Wendy began to chat amongst themselves as the waiter brought the rest of everyone’s order.

“Did you tell your dad you’ve taken my brother’s innocence?” I bit into my sandwich. I’d never told Benny the true details of that night. I’d explained that Troy and I arrived at the apartment and found Noc fighting with Vivian.

“No.” Vivian twisted her lips to the side as the waiter came by and set her personal pizza on the table. “Troy thinks I’m ashamed of him. He just doesn’t get that my dad will kick his ass.”

“He knows. He just doesn’t care.”

“By the way, I asked him not to get an apartment and move in with us.” Vivian smiled.

“That is such a bad idea,” I said between bites. “You just started having sex.”

“We’re doing more than having sex.” Her eyes shifted to a starry-eyed look. “He told me he’s been in love with me since we were kids.”


I scrunched my face up in confusion and thought about past years.

Did it ever seem like Troy was in love with Vivian? Maybe.

He did always tag along when I said I was going to meet her. He never cared about any of my other friends. Plus, when he ran away, it was her bedroom he hid in. Maybe that was when his crush had started.

“Well, still be careful,” I warned.

“Oh yeah, you should really be worried about me instead of thinking how crazy it is you’re moving into Chase’s coochie sweat shop.”

“Must you be so crude?”

“How do I describe that situation and not be crude?” she asked. “And news flash, we’re dining at a restaurant full of lit-up dildos. I don’t think there’s a crude barometer around here.”

“Just eat your stupid pizza.” I licked the garlic mayonnaise off my finger. “This sandwich is heaven. The oysters have a great crisp. The breading gives it a sweet flavor. The bun is toasted just right.”

I gave a thumbs up to the chef as he peeked over the service counter to see my reaction.

“Is it orgasmic, Ms. Montgomery?” Vivian raised her eyebrows.

“Orgasmic.” I swiped up more mayo with my finger.

“Speaking of orgasms,” Vivian wagged her eyebrows. “Your brother is a beast.”

“I’m eating over here.”

“Two orgasms with each session. And his tongue—”

“You’re going to rot in hell for what you’re doing to me.”

She cackled like the witch she was and whispered in my ear, “Did you hook up with your rich and narcissistic lover in Paris?”

My body trembled. My mind filled with those precious moments—Chase moving slowly inside of me, his hands ravishing every inch, and the way he licked my clit and sucked hungrily on my nipples. My teeth caught my bottom lip as I groaned.

“That’s a yes if I ever did see one.” Vivian’s eyes widened. “You look like you’re going to cum right now.”

“Oh shush.” I covered my face and tilted close to her ear. “He’s so good. The best I’ve ever had, and we did it everywhere. In a high-end restaurant, on our balcony, in the hotel, Jacuzzi, and all over his plane on the way back. God. He knew what to touch and how much to touch it.”

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