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He probably was having sex with her.

“No worries, right?” Vivian asked Wendy.

“None at all.” Wendy winked and gulped down some of her drink.

“Okay, that’s enough,” I interrupted. “New topic or I’m leaving.”

“Fine.” Vivian slid her wine over to her.

“This is a nice little place.” Lucy leaned my way and whispered, “It has a lot of character.”

Well, that was one way to look at it.

Sex toys decorated the bar—glow-in-the-dark dildos jutted out of the walls, every kind of blow-up doll from male to female dangled from the ceiling, plastic vaginas with velvet vibrating cores adorned each table like a centerpiece. The wallpaper was artistic nude pictures of men and women. On every table a stack of condoms stood between bottles of ketchup and mustard like packets of sugar.

“Junior’s décor is grotesque to say the least.” I grinned. “But it has the best bar food in Oshane City.”

For an appetizer, I’d ordered Juni bites, gouda-stuffed dates wrapped in bacon. Everyone instantly devoured them until I feared I wouldn’t get any more. An empty tray lay atop our table’s plastic vagina. Out of twenty, I’d only had two.

Greedy bitches.

I’d just ordered a pistachio-crusted oyster Po’boy with garlic mayonnaise and a side of parmesan French fries.

I swear to god they’d better not touch my entrée.

“What do you think I should order?” Lucy asked.

“The gnocchi is pretty good.” I gulped some of my rum and Coke. Tonight was the night I would get as drunk as possible.

Tomorrow I could reevaluate what the hell I had signed up for. But tonight I needed a liquored distraction from Chase’s brothel system and the ache inside me wished he would be in my bed when I returned to the apartment.

How pathetic I must be.

“I can’t believe you’re going to do this.” Vivian tilted her head my way. “This is so insane. I mean seriously, it’s something that I would do, not you.”

“You just said an hour ago that it might not be a big deal to try it.” I hit her arm.

“That was before I talked to Miss Delusional over there,” Vivian muttered, but I was sure Wendy and Lucy had heard her. “Just promise me you won’t act like that. Try it for a while, for fun, but continue to date other guys.”

“Yeah. You’re right.” I finished my drink and signaled the waiter to bring me another.

All of the service staff were dressed like dominatrixes—black seductive bodysuits with revealing openings draped their bodies, as well as nylon rope and tiny little spanking paddles hooked to their belts.

“Are you going to live with him and them the whole time, though?” Vivian gestured to Wendy.

“I don’t think so,” I admitted. “I promised him a week this month. I’m pretty sure I’ll bail after the end.”

“Why?” Wendy raised her eyebrows. Interest glossed her brown eyes. “The apartment is basically paid for and all yours. What’s the big deal?”

“It would never feel like home. I can’t bring my family there.”

“Dramatic, aren’t we?” Wendy tossed her hair over her shoulder. “Chase would fly your family anywhere you wanted. Last Thanksgiving Chase, my family, and I celebrated in Hawaii.”

A ping of jealousy collided with the envy that already moved within me. Vivian looked at my expression and frowned.

“Bringing dates back there would also be weird,” I said.

“Dates?” Wendy drew back in horror. “You think you’re going to date other guys?”

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