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Chapter 22

New Reality

Like pathetic cowards, neither one of us brought up why the other had cried. We didn’t discuss the words we’d said during sex.

We simply cleaned each other in the bathroom, strolled into the dining area, and feasted on a skillfully executed meal.

Afterwards, we cuddled up together in a dimly lit booth, where we fed each other with our fingers, licking sauce off the tips with our tongues. The waiter that had stood outside the powder room while we made love was the same who served us. The whole time, he blushed and placed our plates on the table with shaking hands.

At the end of the night, Chase left the poor guy a four figure tip.

Back in the Chanel Suite, we made love again on the balcony above Paris. I wore a white robe to conceal his strokes as I moaned into the cool night air, certain Parisians enjoying a midnight stroll could hear us down below.

And when we slept, skin to skin in the dark, our arms and legs tangled and looped together, the song “Tomorrow” played in the background, and my dreams remained on him.

Now we headed to Willow Park.

He’d gotten me to come straight home with him after our trip.

I promised I would do one week with him and then go back to my apartment. Deep down inside I didn’t want to say goodbye to him just yet. I needed to be around him for a few more days.

Gray clouds swollen with upcoming rain hovered over Oshane City. A somber mood lingered inside the limo.

We’d barely talked since the plane arrived at the airport.

Chase sighed and squeezed my hand. “So you’ll finally get to see where I live.”

“Yep.” I looked out the window as we passed a stone wall that rose four feet high.

A gold plate had engraved letters that said, “Willow Park.” A manicured yard expanded out for miles. The limo continued down a black paved road. A mansion straight out of Forbes Magazine appeared at the top of a hill.

My mouth dropped open.

This is huge.

Gray bricks made up the massive foundation. I tried to count all of the windows to guess the number of rooms, but gave up at ten. Three women stood in front as the limo approached.

How did they know we were on our way?

I recognized Lucy and Dawn and assumed the other was Wendy. She had long brunette hair that fell past her shoulders and a petite body with small breasts and slim hips. She lifted a wine glass to her lips and took a small sip.

“You’ll tell me if anything is wrong?” Chase asked for the tenth time since we’d been in the limo.

“I will.” I twisted the copper ring on my finger.

Am I really doing this?

Chase touched my chin and guided my face to his. “Please don’t leave without letting me solve whatever is wrong. Please.”

“I won’t.”

“I want this to work out.”

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