Page 8 of The Moment We Know

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Paige told her about the peepshow/FaceTime call with David that morning, but instead of being amused, Jules was aggravated. “Are you kidding? Why didn’t you ask to see his dick in return?”

Starting to smile at her friend’s outrage, Paige stopped as the validity of the question took hold. Why hadn’t she asked to see his dick? Especially after he’d bragged about having ‘respectable wood’. That had literally been the perfect opportunity and she’d completely wasted it.

She leaned back in her chair, so caught up in being annoyed with herself that it took her a few seconds to register the unwelcome scent of ChanelN°5 floating into her office. She knew it was a designer fragrance and Marilyn Monroe had sworn by it, but Paige had never liked it, and disliked it even less now that it seemed to be triggering headaches following her concussion five months ago.

Slowly, Paige turned to see her boss, Linda, standing in the doorway with perfectly styled hair and flawless make-up. How long she’d been there, Paige didn’t know, but if the disapproval emanating from Linda was any indication, she’d probably heard the ‘ask to see his dick’ comment.

Hopefully not more than that, but the way this day was going it was a real possibility.

Paige kept her expression as neutral as she could, despite the intense dislike she felt for the other woman. Everything about her rubbed Paige the wrong way—especially the non-existent work ethic Linda had. It was extremely unusual for her to arrive at The Main Event before 10 a.m. and extremely unusual for her to stay more than five hours, during which she carved out time for lunch. She also displayed an appalling lack of appreciation for those who actually did work—and worked hard—to ensure the success of her business.

“Hold on for a moment,” Paige told Jules, before addressing her boss. “What can I do for you, Linda?”

A soft snort of disgust emanated from Paige’s phone, thankfully not loud enough for Linda to hear.

“I need to discuss some changes that need to be made for the Chamber of Commerce dinner on Thursday,” Linda said, before adding pointedly, “but I can see you’re busy with a personal call.”

The not-so-subtle reprimand for being on a personal call during her lunch break (there was no way Linda didn’t know Paige was on her lunch break, given there was a half-eaten sandwich on the desk) made it a struggle to keep her neutral expression from evaporating. She’d already put in seven hours of work, which had been preceded by a crappy night’s sleep, waking up at the ass-crack of dawn, and orgasm denial … and she still had five hours to go before the day was over.

Paige cleared her throat. She wasn’t ready to be out of a job just yet, so telling her employer to shove an AK-47 up her ass and pull the trigger until the magazine was empty wasn’t a good idea, but a little attitude could be thrown her way.

“I should be done with my personal call in about ten minutes, which is when my lunch break is over,” Paige said, her even tone at direct odds with her anger. “Why don’t you come back then?”

This time, it was a soft chuckle that emanated from Paige’s phone, and at first she thought Linda must have heard it by the way her expression tightened. However, Linda’s gaze never strayed from Paige’s face, and the two of them engaged in a bit of a Mexican standoff. It was clear Linda didn’t like being dismissed, nor did she seem to know how to respond to the almost pleasant nature of it.

“What’s happening?” Jules whispered.

Paige picked up her sandwich and took a bite, maintaining steady eye contact with Linda the entire time, until she conceded the win to Paige and stalked out of the office without a word.

Paige waited for several seconds to make sure Linda was no longer within earshot before announcing her departure. “She’s gone.”

“Good riddance. Jesus, what a cow.”

“You should’ve seen her face. That passive aggressive shit really works.”

“I told you it would,” Jules said. “You know, I really wish you’d just tell her to go fuck herself, though. Then tell her to fuck herself again and quit.”

“I will. Today’s not that day, but trust me, that day will come.”

“Hopefully sooner rather than later. I want to scratch that off my bucket list.”

Paige had long ago gotten used to Jules’s bucket list including things she wanted for Paige, so all she said was, “Me, too.”

“Oh, and when you do? Give me a call and put me on speaker phone so I can hear it.”

Chapter 3

For her date with David the next night, Paige took great pains to look nice, dressing in dark, boot-cut jeans, black booties with spiked heels, and a black, silk blouse. She’d left it unbuttoned enough to show off some serious cleavage, which had been enhanced by the push-up bra underneath. She’d also curled her caramel-colored hair and paid special attention to her eye make-up, while Sputnik, her Russian blue cat, sat on the bathroom counter and watched.

“Damn,” David said, when he arrived to pick her up.

“Is this too much? I didn’t know where we were going—”

“No, it’s not too much. I was just … damn,” he repeated, feeling like he’d been punched in the gut. “You look great. That’s what I meant.”

Paige smiled, buoyed by his reaction and not surprised when his eyes kept coming back to her cleavage. “Well, thanks. You look great, too,” she told him, admiring him in his dark jeans and black polo shirt before tilting her head. “You know, we actually kind of … match.”

As if realizing it for the first time, he nodded. “Yeah, I guess we do.”

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