Page 6 of The Moment We Know

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DAVID: I’m at work, too, but I haven’t let that interfere with thinking about your boobs.

DAVID: #priorities

The last text came in as Paige was eating a crispy chicken sandwich delivered from a nearby deli, and actually made her laugh out loud despite having food in her mouth. She was trying to craft a witty reply when her phone rang. She knew from the distinct ringtone, “The Bitch Is Back”, that it was Jules, and she was calling to find out if the deal with David had been accepted yet. She’d been relentless, calling several times every day for the past week, getting increasingly annoyed with Paige’s indecision.

Which, in turn, increasingly annoyed Paige.

Without letting go of her sandwich, she answered the call, then activated the speaker phone with a tap of her pinky. Eating was the most important thing right then and she needed both hands to do it.

“Well?” Jules asked, in lieu of an actual greeting, her voice filling the office. “I swear to God, if you tell me you haven’t made up your mind yet, I’m going to—”

“I decided to take David up on his offer, so you can calm your shit,” Paige broke in, nipping whatever threat was going to be issued in the bud. They’d become increasingly ridiculous and outrageous, the last one being that Jules was going to ‘go Godzilla’ on Paige’s ass.

There was silence for a moment before Jules cleared her throat. “Oh. You did?”


“Well, good. It’s about time.”

“I went over to his place last night and we—” Paige took a quick bite, before finishing with her mouth full, “—hashed out the details.”

“Details? Like what details?”

“Like …” Paige trailed off as a text came in from David, capturing her attention for a moment. Given the theme of all his previous texts that day, she figured it was going to involve either her boobs or his cock again, but surprisingly it didn’t.

DAVID: So, I was wondering what your work schedule was like for the next month or so. Specifically, all evenings you’re available.

“Like what details?” Jules repeated.

Paige’s attention was still mostly on David’s text, so she barely heard Jules as she pulled up her work schedule on the computer with one hand, while trying to still eat with the other. After that, she was forced to put the sandwich down in order to take a picture of her schedule and text it to David.

“Paige? Paige!”

Her name being practically shouted brought Paige back to the conversation with Jules. “What?”

“What’s going on?”

“Sorry. I’m trying to multi-task.”

“While we’re having an important discussion? What, exactly, are you multi-tasking?”

“David texted me, asking about my work schedule and I was taking a picture and sending it to him.”

“Is that for sex planning purposes?”

“Kind of.”

“What do you mean, ‘kind of’?”

“We’ll be … dating at first. So it’s for dating purposes, I guess.”

“You’re going to be dating?”

Jules said it like it was the equivalent of digging in the garbage for food. “Yes,” Paige replied. “You know, going out to dinner, things like that?”

“I know what dating is. Why are you going to be doing it?”

“Because David thinks it’ll make me more comfortable. He said if we just start … having sex … that it’ll be too much like how sex was for me before, when it wasn’t good. And he doesn’t want it to be like that this time.”

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