Page 42 of The Moment We Know

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After the waiter left, Paige gave Jules a look of reprimand. “Jesus. You could’ve warned me that we had company.”

“I didn’t have time,” Jules protested. “He came out of nowhere.”

Paige had a hard time believing either one of those claims, especially given the direction the waiter had come from. “Whatever. But from now on, your job is to warn me when he’s near.”

“I will. I promise. Now I want to hear all about you and David trading oral sex, starting with him going down on you.”

With Jules looking at her expectantly, Paige relented, mainly because she was excited to share good news, so she decided to lead off with the best news of all. “I came.”

As if not wanting to appear too excited, Jules pursed her lips for a moment. “What are we talking about here? Like a 2.0 on the Richter scale, or—”

“It was a solid 8.0 earthquake.”

“Really,” Jules mused. “So the man has some skills.”

Paige thought back to that moment of utter bliss and a smile overtook her face. “Yes. Yes, he does. And fortunately, we were at my place so I didn’t have to drive home afterward, because my legs were like jelly.”

Jules chuckled, then leaned forward and asked, “Did you scream his name?”

“No.” Paige infused the word with a combination of reproach and amusement, then couldn’t resist switching gears and saying, “But I did pull on his hair pretty damn hard.”

“Here’s your wine, ladies,” Anthony said, appearing next to their table. “And some complimentary parmesan bread sticks, fresh out of the oven.”

Paige inwardly groaned at the waiter’s second ill-timed arrival, but kept her expression somewhat pleasant as he set the glasses of wine on the table, along with the basket of fragrant bread sticks.

“Thank you,” Jules told him, after giving Paige an Oops look.

“You’re welcome,” he replied, then asked, “Have you two had a chance to look over the menu, or do you need some more time to decide what you want?”

They hadn’t even looked at the menu, but since they normally ate the same thing every time they came to Macaroni’s, Jules ordered eggplant Parmesan and Paige went with fettucine Alfredo.

As soon as Anthony was gone again, Paige grabbed a breadstick and hissed, “Seriously? You were supposed to warn me when he was near.”

“I’m sorry. I was caught up in hearing about your intense orgasm,” Jules said, attempting to look contrite but falling short, because it was difficult to look like you felt bad when you were trying not to laugh. “And anyway, there are plenty of scenarios where pulling on someone’s hair isn’t sexual, so chill.”

“Well, considering that he also overheard me less than five minutes ago bragging about giving someone a blow job last night, I doubt his mind went to one of those non-sexual scenarios. But thanks for trying to make me feel better, if that’s what you were trying to do.”

Jules picked up her glass of wine and took a drink. “Speaking of that blow job …”

Paige shook her head. “If you think I’m going to tell you anything about it with Anthony on the prowl, you’re crazy.”

“We’re not going to see him until he brings our dinners out, which won’t be for at least fifteen minutes. So start talking.”

Paige broke off a piece of bread and popped it in her mouth before giving in. “All right. Well—”

“Wait. Was the blow job your idea, or David’s?”

“All mine. In fact, I pretty much ripped his pants off.”

Jules released a low chuckle. “I don’t want this to come across as creepy in any way, but I wish I could’ve seen the expression on his face when that happened.”

“Let’s just say that he was a little surprised at my enthusiasm.”

“I’ll bet.”

“Although, I think he was more surprised when I swallowed.”

Jules took another sip of wine and digested that unexpected tidbit of information for a moment, which subsequently led to a few follow-up questions she didn’t hesitate to ask. “Did you enjoy it?”

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