Page 241 of The Moment We Know

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“Because we’re going to make Christmas decorations out of them in a couple of months, obviously. Right, Stinker?”


“Sounds like you had a full day,” David mused, and as he gave Paige a quick kiss, he couldn’t help but notice her lips were tinted blue, as were Jacob’s. “Why are your lips blue?”

“We got blue raspberry Slurpees!” Jacob said.

“He’s kidding,” Paige quickly said, shooting Jacob a look, who made an Oops face. “Aren’t you?”

“I’m kidding.”

“Hmm. I can see I’m going to have to start a ‘Lie Jar’. For both of you.”

Paige turned to Jacob. “Uh oh. Your dad’s got that look on his face, so we’re in big trouble now—”

“What look?” David demanded.

Paige and Jacob both adopted exaggerated expressions of what was probably meant to be displeasure, but made them look more constipated, than anything.

David frowned, even though it was pretty hilarious. “I never look like that.”

Paige and Jacob busted out in peals of laughter, like it was the funniest thing they’d ever heard, grabbing their sides for good measure. When they were mostly done, Paige admitted, “Fine. We did get Slurpees. But it was in the name of hydration.”

“Hydration? That’s what water is for.”

“But water isn’t delicious like a Slurpee is,” she argued. “Right, Stinker?”

“Right,” Jacob agreed.

“And he’d never had one, which was a travesty that had to be rectified,” she continued. “So, I rectified it.”

Paige and Jacob exchanged a fist bump, complete with explosive sound effects.

David gave her a bland look. “You know, I’m surprised you didn’t try and blame the Slurpees on Jacob.”

“I thought about it, but I can only blame so many things on him. Plus, he’d already outed me, so I didn’t think it would seem plausible.”

“But you thought the hydration angle was plausible?”

“Well …” she trailed off to tap her chin with a finger. “I thought it was my best shot, all things considered.”

As if realizing that Jacob was practically dropping clods of dirt on the floor, she put her hands on his shoulders and steered him toward the hallway. “I think it’s time to clean up,” she said. “And this situation calls for a shower.”

David thought it actually called for a fire hose, but kept his mouth shut.

Paige took Jacob down to his bathroom to get the water going to the right temperature and set out a towel, while Jacob got clean clothes and brought them into the bathroom. Paige then stepped out of the room and into the hallway, giving him privacy to get undressed and take his shower.

To her surprise, David was standing there, obviously waiting for her. “How much time do you think we have?” he asked suggestively.

“Not that much,” she said, dashing his hopes. “You’ll just have to wait until tonight.”

He made a sound of disappointment. “That’s like hours away.”

“I know. But it’ll be worth it.” She pressed her hands to his chest and looked up at him through her lashes. “Especially since I picked up a new container of coconut oil from Costco the other day.”

“Hmm. Is that right?”

“That’s right. And I believe it’s your turn in the massage rotation.”

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