Page 209 of The Moment We Know

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“You never worry? Come on, David. We have an honesty policy, or have you forgotten?”

“I am being honest. I don’t worry about us not making it this time, mainly because I don’t have time to worry about it, since I’m too busy being happier than I’ve ever been in my life—and that includes the first time we were married. I’m not just talking about sex, either, although that’s so good I’m almost blind from it. I’m talking about everything. All of you is with me this time and that’s the difference. I know without a doubt, that whatever comes our way, no matter what it is, we’ll be able to deal with it together and kick its fucking ass and be happy.”

Her heart was pounding so hard, she wondered if he could hear it. “Look at you, trying to make it seem so simple.”

“It is simple. I want you to be my wife, I want to be your husband, and I want us to be married again. End of story.”

“What about Jacob?”

“What about him?”

“How much does he know about this?”


“He has to know something. He helped set this up.”

“No. The plan was—”

“The plan?”

“Yes, the plan. And the plan was for him to give you his ring when you arrived, and I was going to give you mine after dinner, when he was watching TV or whatever. And he thought my ring was a fake one like his, only with a purple stone. But I switched it with that—” he pointed at the one in her hand, “—to be cute.”


“Not lame,” he clarified. “Only Jacob blew up my plan by telling you I got you a ring, because he’s four—” he broke off as Paige smothered a laugh. “And so here we are, with another proposal gone awry.”

Jules was definitely never going to let him hear the end of this.

“So, had the plan gone according to plan, what would your proposal have looked like?” she asked, curious.

“Well, I would’ve begun with heartfelt declarations of love, obviously—”

“Good start.”

“—and then moved on to convincing you we’re meant to be together, which we are—”

“Bold strategy.”

“—and if that didn’t seal the deal, then I was going tell you I wouldn’t let you come again until you said ‘yes’.”

She blinked at him, the odd threat derailing her for a moment, because it sounded like something straight out of Jules’s playbook. “You were?”

“If I had to.”

“Hmm. Weren’t you telling me not too long ago, how much you hate it when I don’t come? That you want me to have an orgasm every time we have sex?”


“But now you’re telling me you would’ve been willing to actively deny me orgasms—”

“Only until you said ‘yes’. Then you could have as many as you wanted.”

Paige looked at him for several long moments. She appeared to be more amused than not, so he thought the ruling was going to come down in his favor, when her amusement faded and she put the ring back in the plastic capsule, then set it on the counter. While that wasn’t necessarily a very good sign, he also couldn’t help but notice she seemed reluctant to do it.

“Before I can say ‘yes’, and let you put that ring on my finger,” she said carefully, “we need to talk to Jacob about this, because it’ll change his life. He’s had a lot of that lately, and I want to make sure he understands what will be happening, and feel like he’s involved in the process, before we go forward.”

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