Page 162 of The Moment We Know

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“That it’s called ‘Passion’s Flame’ or something like that.”

She moved a few inches to the left, unable to stop herself. “It’s not called ‘Passion’s Flame’.”

“How do you know? You said you couldn’t remember the name.”

“Okay, well, I remember that isn’t the name. I would never buy anything called ‘Passion’s Flame’, no matter how good it smelled.”

He shifted, bringing them close together again. “I know you know what’s it called, so just tell me.”

She pursed her mouth. “Fine. But you cannot give me shit. Promise? And I mean promise on your life.”

“I promise on my life.”

“Actually, you need to promise on your balls.”

“That seems excessive, but okay. I promise on my balls.”

“It’s called … ‘Fantasy’.”

He smirked, and then quickly tried to hide it.

“You promised on your balls,” she reminded him.

“I know,” he quickly agreed. “But I think I’m missing part of the story. What are you not telling me about this perfume?”

“It’s from Britney Spears, all right?”

David chuckled, unable to help himself.

She glared at him. “You promised on your balls.”

“I’m laughing, not giving you shit. Two different things.”

A whisper of a breeze teased her with the scent of his cologne, and she resisted the almost physical pull toward him by focusing on Jacob, who was cruising down a slide. As he landed feet first in the sand, spraying it everywhere, he looked over and saw Paige sitting with David. She gave him a wave, which he returned before running over.

“Hi, Jacob,” she greeted him when he got to the blanket and sat down. Like David, Jacob was also wearing cargo pants, only his were adorned with an army green camouflage print—and that, coupled with his buzzed hair made him look like a tiny soldier.

It was adorable.

“Hi, Paige,” he returned, cheeks pink from his exertions. Then, turning to David, he announced, “I’m hungry.”

David had packed quite a picnic lunch, with sandwiches, chips, apple slices, granola bars, and even potato salad. There were also bottles of water, juice boxes, and a couple cans of Dr. Pepper, one of which Paige immediately popped open.

While they ate, David hung back and watched Paige and Jacob interact, almost in a repeat of their first meal together. The conversation flowed fast, veering all over the place as Jacob kept up an impressive chatter about mostly nonsensical stuff, and it was clear by her smiles and laughter that Paige was enjoying herself. What was more apparent to David, though, was Jacob’s enjoyment. He, too, was smiling and laughing, but more importantly, appeared to be basking in Paige’s attention, and it struck David that the only other woman Jacob had responded to like this was Valerie.

When they were done eating, Paige leaned toward Jacob. “Did you leave room for dessert?”

Jacob nodded enthusiastically and reached for a granola bar.

Paige gave him an exaggerated Are you crazy? look. “That’s a snack, not dessert,” she said, reaching into the bag she’d brought and pulling out three Moon Pies, giving them each one with a flourish. “This is dessert.”

Jacob just looked at it. “What’s this?”

“What do you mean? It’s a Moon Pie.”

“What’s a Moon Pie?”

“You don’t know what a Moon Pie is?”

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