Page 108 of The Moment We Know

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“Well?” she prodded.


It could’ve been the double whammy of having just woken up and not chugged any coffee yet, but Paige decided to jump right in. “Did you have anal sex with Ashley?” she asked, ignoring the voice telling her she probably wasn’t going to like the answer, and she should’ve started with a question less likely to punch her in the face.

David closed his eyes for a moment, not wanting to do this. At all. “Yes.”

While not unexpected, the answer was upsetting enough to catapult Paige out of bed, where she started pacing, oblivious to the fact that she was naked. Was there nothing he and that bitch hadn’t done? “Did you like it?”

“Yes,” he answered, and when she exhaled like a fire breathing dragon, he added roughly, “God dammit. This is why I didn’t want to do this. Now you’re upset—”

“Upset? Did you say ‘upset’? Of course I’m ‘upset’, David,” she said, using air quotes, which illustrated how dire the situation really was. “It’s a given I’m going to be ‘upset’, because I hate her and I just found out you fucked her ass. I’m sorry, but yes, that makes me ‘upset’. If the situation was reversed, wouldn’t it make you ‘upset’?” She kept using air quotes for each ‘upset’ like a lunatic, unable to stop. “How would you feel if I’d been in a relationship for almost five years with some guy whose guts I knew you fucking hated, lived with him, had a child with him, and you just found out he’d had my ass a million times? And then I made the ridiculous observation that you were ‘upset’?”

David sat up, the sheets bunching around his waist. “Can you not exaggerate, please? It obviously wasn’t that many times—”

She threw her hands in the air. “Gah. Don’t even think about telling me exactly how many times it was, in some misguided attempt to make me feel better, because I will come for your balls. Understand?”

“I wasn’t going to tell you how many times it was. Jesus, like I even know how many—” he stopped abruptly, falling back against the pillows and cracking his head on the headboard by accident. “Fuck. This is why I didn’t want to do this! I told you all that shit is just white noise.”

“To you, it’s white noise. To me, it’s the complete opposite of white noise.”

She wondered if her hormones were on the warpath, because as she looked at him, she could almost picture herself throwing gasoline on him, lighting a match, and watching him burn. Trying to shake off her murderous thoughts, she began pacing again. “To me, anal is the most personal thing you can do with someone, and you’ve done it with Ashley. Now, I’m sure you think I’m over-reacting, but I’ve been thinking about doing that with you, and—”

“You have?”

“Yes, but Ash got there first and now I’m afraid that if you and I do it, you’ll compare my ass to hers and think her ass was better.” Paige gave a shake of her head, not liking the way that had come out. “That anal sex was better with her,” she clarified. “Especially if I’m not good at it, or I don’t even like doing it.”


“Was she your first?”

He sighed. “Yes.”

Fucking fuck. Just when she thought it couldn’t get any worse, it totally did. She’d actually been hoping his first time had been with some nameless, faceless girl in college, prior to meeting Paige. Ashley getting that first with him burned like acid in Paige’s gut.

“I wasn’t her first, though, which is why I did it,” he said quietly, hoping to somehow lower the DEFCON level in the room.

That information barely made a dent in how pissed off Paige was; in fact, it actually managed to increase it, since that meant Ashley had been his butt sex ‘teacher’. “And you obviously did it a lot, considering you don’t know how many times you did do it—” she broke off, bristling with jealousy, the likes of which she’d never known before, her blood like lava in her veins, burning through her body. “Which means you really liked doing it with her.”

“Yes, I liked doing it with her,” he admitted evenly. “Liked. Not loved. That goes for everything I did with her. But I love everything I do with you and if that were to include anal, I know I’d love that, too, because being your first would mean something to me. It would mean everything, actually.”

Paige blinked at him for several moments before finally saying, “Okay, good answer.”

Relieved, he patted the bed next to him. “Come back to bed, please.”

She shook her head. “No, I’m not done yet.”

“Dammit, Paige.”

“Did she ever use handcuffs on you?” she asked, ignoring his plea.


“Did you ever use them on her?”


“Is she the reason you started really manscaping?”

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