Page 95 of The Moment You Know

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“Yes, you are. Most of this is because of you, Ash.” He gave her a long, hard look. “I know, you think she started it by saying something mean to you at Bender’s, but you started it long before that, by blocking her. Then, after you put her in the hospital, you continued to do stupid shit, like getting pissed about a book that has nothing to do with you, getting pissed that I went to see her about the book, and screwing with my meeting today. Are you seeing a pattern here? All of the problems you and I have been having are because of your poor reactions and your poor decisions.”

Her face was flushed with anger and he could see everything he’d said had not had its intended effect—which was made abundantly clear when she raised her middle finger to him, then turned and left. Less than thirty seconds later, he heard the door to the garage opening and closing, followed by the sound of her car starting and leaving.

In the blessed silence she’d left behind, he picked up his phone and texted Paige.

DAVID: I really am sorry about today.

DAVID: My mom will be watching Jacob the next time we meet, so that won’t happen again.

PAIGE: Okay.

DAVID: So, are you available Tuesday at 5 p.m.?

PAIGE: No, I’m not. Sorry.

DAVID: Wednesday at 7 p.m.?

PAIGE: I’ll be working until at least 9 p.m.

DAVID: Thursday at 5 p.m.?

PAIGE: No. But maybe Saturday morning? I don’t work until noon.

DAVID: I can’t. Jacob has a play date.

PAIGE: I’m normally free on Sundays, but this Sunday Jules and I have plans most of the day.

DAVID: Jesus, this is ridiculous. Maybe I should just make an appointment with you.

PAIGE: Hold on. That’s actually not a bad idea.

DAVID: I was kidding.

PAIGE: I wasn’t. It really is a good idea.

DAVID: Really? Isn’t that unethical, or illegal, or something?

PAIGE: It’s not illegal. As for unethical, I won’t say anything if you won’t.

PAIGE: Besides, I work almost sixty hours a week and get paid for forty.

DAVID: All right.

PAIGE: I’m available tomorrow at 2 p.m., Wednesday at 11 a.m., or Friday at 4 p.m.

DAVID: I can do Friday. I’ll see you then.

Chapter 37

David waited until he was leaving to meet Paige on Friday to tell Ashley where he was going.

“I’m heading out to meet Paige,” he said, as if announcing he was ducking into the men’s room to take a leak. “I don’t know how long I’ll be gone, exactly, but—”

“What?” Ashley asked, incredulous.

“I said, I’m heading out to meet Paige. I don’t know how long—”

“When did you decide to do that?”

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